Will They Thrive

Helloooo and here’s this week’s painting entitled “Will They Thrive?” If you are new here, check out this link for a full description of the focus of this painterly blog. Now, on to the painting, ok?
New Kids
Even though we live in downtown Raleigh, trees and wildlife surround us. All this week two juvenile Red-Tailed Hawks are busy calling out for food.
So, these two young bird “kids” are testing their vocal chords and food gathering skills. All the while, they perch on a tree that I can see from the road in front of our house.
I wonder if their parents are letting them figure it out on their own. Or perhaps the wabbit (er…rabbit) supply is low here and their constant “keering call” continues while the elder hawks are out hustling to find food. Either way, each day, I hope they find enough food, as long as it doesn’t include my bluebird family in the front yard!
The Painting
Here’s the painting. It’s 6×8 inches and painted in oils on panel. It’s unframed and for sale for $131 + $9.50 NC Sales Tax + $25 shipping = $165.50. Here’s the PayPal Link to purchase.

Work In Progress
In addition, I am working on several other paintings. Here’s one in the works that I’m excited to share.

This painting includes lots of scraping and texture making. Ultimately, I hope to include our young feathered friends in one or two of the branches.
How About You
How are you doing gentle reader? Do you have some projects or plans that are sure to help you thrive this summer? If so, please share in the comments below.
Beth Dyer Clary
June 13, 2024This is a fabulous painting of a red-tailed hawk to my eyes. Yesterday, Bill, Madeline and I (and all the dogs) went for an early morning walk in the nearby state park because she has found a hawk and its nest far up in a tree along the trail. We are trying to ID it and I think you may have helped by talking about the juveniles in your world. I think it may be a juvenile whose feathers are still not red.
You know the old saying too: “When in doubt it’s a red-tail.”
The colors and textures in both paintings seen particularly powerful at making different elements pop. Such as the clouds, the hawk, of course, but also the texture of the branches! Very cool!
Julie Holmes
June 13, 2024Hi Beth,
How cosmic that you all were seeing a hawk on your walks, too!
These days I feel so lucky to have the time to notice such beautiful creatures.
Given the red-tailed hawks range, I have a feeling they will thrive. It makes me wonder what it is about them that makes them so capable of living in the midst of all of the development around here.
TY as always for writing and looking here today! xoxo
Denise Todloski
June 14, 2024Hi Julie, LOVE the scraping and texture-making. Nice colors. : ) Denise
Julie Holmes
June 17, 2024Hi Denise!
TY for comments about both scraping/texture and colors!!! xoxo 😉