The Pine Tree State

The Pine Tree State

Greetings from the Pine Tree State! Before I share more, if you are new here,  check out this link for a full description of the focus of this painterly blog. Now, on to this week’s painting, yes?

Where is the Pine Tree State

You may already know this? But I didn’t so I thought I would share. Maine is the Pine Tree State. I painted this sweet 4×6 inch painting in gouache at Sand Beach in Stonington, Maine. Have you ever been there? Me neither! It’s absolutely gorgeous. Here’s the painting which is actually perfect post card size and is now sold!

I will pop this painting in the mail to you as long as you (please) remember to share your address with me too.

Hard to Explain But I’ll Try

There is something fun and freeing about goauche. Maybe it’s because the clean up and drying time are both so much easier than oils. So, as long as we’re chugging along the road, I will share a gouache painting with you. Not sure if that’s much of an explanation but there you have it.

What’s New With You

How are you doing gentle reader? Have you got plans to visit somewhere this summer? If so, please do share in the comments below.


  1. Denise Todloski
    August 15, 2024

    Girl, you are rocking those colors! Thanks for sharing the loveliness of Maine in your painting! Less is absolutely more, as you have so deftly demonstrated! : ) DT

    • Julie Holmes
      August 15, 2024

      Hiya Denise!

      TY those colors were everywhere…out of control beautiful!!! TY so much for all of your support DT!!! xoxo

  2. Ellen Gamble
    August 16, 2024

    Julie, this painting is absolutely AWESOME !!!
    It’s downright Darly Dearly!!!

    • Julie Holmes
      August 21, 2024

      TY so much Ellen dear!!! xoxo

  3. Beth Clary
    August 16, 2024

    Fabulous painting! Just love that red! Seems as if there is more daring work with color going on in your recent works. Is that in part due to gouache paints?

    • Julie Holmes
      August 21, 2024

      Hiya Beth!

      This is the first gouache painting I have posted in awhile. So – to answer your question…maybe? TY for digging it either way! xoxo

  4. Alexandra
    August 16, 2024

    Lovely painting, Julie! I really like the vibrant colors and the varying values; it makes everything pop especially the rocks, waves, and that iridescent sky. I looks like you’re having a wonderful time. So happy for you! Congratulations, too, on selling the painting! xxoo

    • Julie Holmes
      August 21, 2024

      Hiya Alexandra,

      TY so much! I think there’s a fun balance in getting these quick plein air paintings done before the light changes everything. That may be part of this current painting adventure. xoxo back at ya!


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