The Path is the Goal

You may be wondering why I named this painting “The Path is the Goal?” Good question dear reader! I will share the reason and some studio thoughts and ideas in this week’s post. But first, I’ll share some background about this blog.
Favorite Things
In early 2020, I pledged to paint a painting each week and blog about it. The name of this weekly series of paintings is Favorite Things. Why? Well, because I choose objects, typically food, that I love to eat. But, I paint it first and then, if it’s still edible, I’ll eat it! This means each week I write about a painting and the process. You are welcome to follow along as I share the ups and downs of this studio and painting life I lead. To do so, simply sign up here. You’ll receive one email each week and get a first look at my latest painting. Woot!
The Back Story
As I painted these two pears, I, of course, started to think of them differently. How? Ummm…I begin to think of them as sentient beings. And, I particularly started to think that they were together, as in a couple. I can’t say exactly when I started to think this way but it definitely informs several things. Like what? When I have thoughts about objects as sentient beings, I think it helps me perceive the uniqueness of the objects. And, depending upon how the painting goes, I can associate other feelings towards the objects including love, endearment and affection.
In a previous post, I describe how each painting’s name typically comes to me as I paint. This week I guess I took that process a bit further by getting acquainted with these objects in my mind as I painted. Okay Okay before you start thinking I have completely lost my mind, bear with me. Why? Well, because I think this experience of mine is not all that unusual. Really? Really! Here’s one article about an artist who anthropomorphizes food including a pear! Doesn’t it look like a person?
So, there are artists who turn food into something other than food. In fact, the artists turn the food into art. But how does a person go from painting two pears to naming the painting “The Path is the Goal?” It’s not that big of a leap, really. I’m not sure how you feel about daily news, the election, the pandemic, the injustices towards black lives but most days, I treasure the time I paint and paint and paint. Painting helps me feel as if I’m floating in a parallel universe where pears are on a path. But before I go further on about that, I will share that there are habits I have cultivated of late that seem to help me feel centered in this unpredictable world and during these difficult times.
What’s fascinating about these daily habits is they are free and require only my time and attention. I think each may have some influence on my painting naming adventures. For the past month or so, Mr Studly and I have been doing yoga everyday. Depending upon our schedule, we cue up a 15, 20 or 30 minute yoga session via SarahBethYoga on YouTube. Here’s an example of a 20 minute yoga session with SarahBeth. I have to modify most of the hip opening positions thanks to Helga the new hip (surgery from a few years ago). And, Mr Studly is new to this kind of practice and let’s just say his yoga “pants” have super heroes on them and are equally suitable fleece for bedtime. But who cares people! We’re at home in front of our TV doing something everyday that’s helping us bend. And, SarahBeth is not preachy, at all. But there are times when she gets a bit philosophical about life on and off ‘the mat.’ The yoga mat, that is. I have never met this person, SarahBeth, in person. But I feel a respect for her and her yoga “chops” and gratitude for her generosity.
If you get the feeling I’m circling around a lot of information that seems irrelevant to painting, whoops! But, hang on. The other habit that is helping me is reading a page or two from Pema Chödrön’s book entitled “Comfortable with Uncertainty.” If you can believe it, Chödrön actually wrote this book, before the pandemic. But I swear, if I ever wanted an Owner’s Manual to Living in 2020, this book is it. So, everyday since the middle of March, I pick this book up and flip it open to any page and read. Fortunately, the chapters are short; usually 1 or 2 pages. But each chapter is thoughtful, challenging, rich and helpful.
The Path is the Goal
So, last weekend, I came in from the studio after a particularly pleasant session with the pears in this painting. I flipped open the book and guess what the chapter title is? You guessed it. And, I saw those two pears heading away from the light, on a path of who knows quite where and thought, that’s it. They’re on a path and the path is the goal. And, that’s the name of this painting.
For Sale
I’m excited to share that this lovely painting is for sale for $375. You can see a larger version of the painting and the link to purchase on this page here.
Your Path
How about you, dear reader? What is helping you along your path these days? I would love to hear, so please share in the comments below.
Beth Dyer Clary
September 3, 2020Julie! This was fun to read. LOTS to consider. Mostly glad that painting (yoga and Pema) bring you some comfort and joy and results that look mouth-wateringly good!.
Julie Holmes
September 9, 2020Thank you Beth! It’s true that the painting, Yoga and Pema bring comfort and joy here. Sure takes awhile to figure all that out. Oh well…grateful for knowing it now. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
Kathy Michaud
September 4, 2020This is a delightful post, Julie and the pear (pair) painting is lovely.
Julie Holmes
September 9, 2020Hi Kathy! Thanks so much for reading and commenting, as always! Really appreciate it!