Spring has Sprung

Are you ready for the time of year when Spring has Sprung? I sure am and will share more shortly.
But first, in case you’re new, here’s more information. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, art history, and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! I choose a theme to guide my paintings each year.
This year’s theme is Vessels, Views and Vistas. If you need more color in your world, consider subscribing to this weekly blog. When you do, you will also receive a monthly newsletter called “Art In Real Life.” In it, I share news about artwork and art walks. Some I have seen IRL (in real life). Others are from around the world, maybe even near you!? If so, maybe you’ll go see and share what it’s like to see art in real life. Let’s get to this week’s view. OK?
What Does Spring Look Like
To me, spring is that time of year when there’s so much anticipation for everything that is just about to happen. Such as? Well, there are bare tree limbs everywhere, right? But you can see teeny tiny buds just starting to appear. There’s almost a gold haze in the trees if you look up at them right now.
And, when things do start to bloom, it’s an incredible gift of hope and color. We are so lucky to have big beautiful azaleas and camellias along the side of the house. So, when I’m looking for that burst of color, I can usually find it just outside my studio door.
Here’s a picture of this week’s set up outside of our living room window. Isn’t it gorgeous?

Spring has Sprung Poem
As I worked on this painting, I remembered a poem I heard when I was a little kid. Here it is as I recall it:
Spring has sprung
The frost has friz
I wonder where the birdies is?
I guess my memory of this poem is different from what’s out there on the internet. And, ya know, that’s ok! I just have fond memories of being outdoors for hours on end as a kid. So, as a crunchy, old grown up, I consider painting outdoors one of the best gifts ever.
And, even though this painting had it’s scrape-off and step away moment, I still am so lucky and grateful for this painterly life I lead. Here’s this week’s painting entitled “Spring has Sprung.” It’s an oil painting that’s 8×8 inches on panel and will be on display and for sale in one of a couple of shows I have coming up here in Raleigh soon.

I am tickled pink about this painting. It, to me, glows with the warmth and whimsy of spring and I’m proud to share it with you here. Enjoy! OK OK here’s one last thing to share with you.
Here are the Birdies
Those of you who know me well, know that I am crazy about bluebirds. I have had a bluebird house in our yard for 20+ years. And, I’m excited to report that spring has sprung there, too. Here’s a picture of the six (!!!) baby bluebird eggs in our front yard bluebird house. Yay!

Has Spring Sprung for You
How about you gentle reader? Are you starting to see signs of spring where you are? If so, please do share in the comments below. I would be delighted to hear from you!
Beth Dyer Clary
April 4, 2024Spring sprung? NO WAY – 1-2″ of some slushy, sleety, snowy business on the ground, snow falling and winds gusting over 35 mph. It’s a true nor’easter, I guess. Roads closed in town due to flooding. Power outages due to branches across wires. Your painting is a blast of joy and beauty and hope! I absolutely LOVE it!
Julie Holmes
April 4, 2024Hi Beth!
Gahhhhh. What a drag…can’t believe you guys are still getting slushy snow.
I’m so glad this painting offers a glimmer of joy and hope. I sure felt both as I painted it.
xoxo and here’s to warmer winds headed your way sooooon!
April 5, 2024What wonderful photos of spring! I also love your painting with it’s bright pink and violet pops of color amidst the sea of greens. And those sweet blue eggs! That just put a smile on my face. We are also seeing signs of spring in the mountains. The trees are beginning to green so you see increasing rounds of the verdant color emerging from the browns. Makes me smile, too! xoxo
Julie Holmes
April 12, 2024Thank you Alexandra!!
Thinking that combo of pink and lime green is about one of my favorites. I love it when I see it outdoors. Hoping those little blue eggs make it to fledge this year. TY for reading and commenting. xoxo back at ya!
Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist Mayhem, Memories and Miracles - Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist
April 17, 2024[…] and leaves were everywhere around our house. And, our resident blue bird family who I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, is busy tending to their 6 little ones. Even though this happens every spring, it still feels like […]