Road Trip

It’s that time of year for a road trip, don’t you think? Seems lots of people are antsy to get out and about after two plus years of hunkering down. In this post, I’ll share some thoughts about painting, different tools I am using and the road. But first, before I get started, I want to welcome new readers here today. And, if you’re interested in the purpose of this post and blog, check out this post from earlier in the year for details. Ready to take a short ramble down the road? OK let’s go!
Head West
Recently I went to visit a dear old friend who has moved to western North Carolina. It was a short but wonderful time that included a long-ish drive and amazing views of mountains way off in the distance. Ahhh! Even though it wasn’t really any cooler at my destination. My mind went somewhere cooler just thinking about mountain views and higher elevations. Isn’t it funny how different experiences create these visceral feelings and memories?
And I have to say I love letting my mind wander as the car helps me physically wander to a new destination. So, as the world’s problems seem to multiply at a rate that overwhelms, my mind calms down as I focus on the road.
At one point on the trip, I had to hold up my phone and take a photo of the clouds and mountains in the distance. In my mind, I took that photo wondering if and how can I capture that freeing feeling of rambling down the road.
What’s The Deal
Now most of you who know me know that I tend to draw and paint from life. What does that mean? It means that I usually draw or paint an interpretation of a real ‘thing’ in front of me. Why? Well, first of all, it’s challenging (OK it’s hard!) to draw from life. Meaning? There are nuances in lighting, color and composition when drawing or painting from life that can overwhelm. So, what are the options to solve this problem?
Another Tool
Well, these days we have the chance to take pictures of just about anything and everything, right? Right! So, why not use these photos to inspire and even cultivate ideas. Am I turning in the towel on painting from life? Heck no! I still draw something everyday from life. Here are two examples.
On a recent day, I didn’t have much time to draw so I drew…er…my feet. See?

And, on Wednesday this week, I drew some delicious, sweet pears that another friend gave me. I took a little more time on the pears than the feet. But in each case, I wanted to (and I love to) draw something right in front of me.

So just as I use a pencil and paper to draw these daily sketches, I also reach for my photos to create too! Here’s the road trip photo I used. (And yes some day I want to capture that reflection on the hood of the car. Oooh la la!)

Inspiration and Memories
In the midst of this road trip, I kept thinking about a photo that one of my sister’s shared after one of our weekly Zoom calls. It’s a photo of me and all my siblings with my parents at Glacier National Park. Here’s that pic.

That trip, in 1966, was formative. Why? So many reasons but here are one or two. First, slam yourself into a car with seven other people for a month. You’re either going to love each other or hate each other for life after that kind of experience.
Second, I love mountains and scenic skylines associated with them. In fact, getting out to open spaces where I can see the horizon helps me to …just breathe! Pretty sure this “open space” sentiment was cultivated on that family road trip so long ago.
Gouache Painting Interpretation
So as I sketched and thought about this scene, I decided to use gouache paints instead of oils. Why? It’s easier to transport and clean up. And, I only used three gouache colors + white. Which ones? Red, yellow and blue, of course. Just remember, before you agree to live on that desert island, make sure you bring the three primaries: red, yellow and blue. Why? You’ll be able to mix most of the colors, if not all, that you’ll need.
So here’s the “Road Trip” painting. It’s 6×6 inches on cold press paper. Yes I decided to embellish the view a bit. Why? Well, because I can? And, there were trees wooshing by. There were flashes of lime green, too. What about those purple-ish blue-ish hills and mountains in the distance. The wonderful purple and pink clouds were lovely, too.
If you want this painting for your very own, you can click on the link below to purchase it for $57 + Shipping + Taxes. Simply click on the Paypal button below to purchase.

In the midst of this road trip, I realized how I need to be mindful. After all, we are in the midst of a major heat wave and global warming is impacting us all. And, shazam, it’s expensive to put gas in the car these days, too. I know we need to reduce our use of the four wheel solution. We recently down-sized and sold my good ol’ 2004 Prius. It’s official: we’re a one car family now. But we can do more. Even in this wretched heat, it would do me good to ride my bike. I pinky swear promise to do that for small grocery store runs.
Just in case you happen to see me out there on my bike or in the grocery store, keep your distance. It’s so darned hot, I’m sure you’ll understand why I say that!
What About You
Are you planning any road trips, gentle reader? Or are you choosing cerebral trips thanks to a good library book or movie at home? Either way, I would love to hear from you in the comments below.
Beth Dyer Clary
August 4, 2022Absolutely LOVE this painting, Julie! Will resist hitting the button to buy it because of limited wall space and my already rich Julie Dyer Holmes Collection but this painting pulls me in. Sometimes nothing like gouache!
Love a road trip too. I have the same sensations when on one. Alas no large road trips in the near future but shorter ones I hope.
Crunchy dry here too which makes me feel better about fewer road trips as my small effort to stave on big trouble. Doing everything I can think of to lure rain our way.
Think that this week’s painting should be a book cover. Going to work on what that book may be!
Julie Holmes
August 4, 2022Hi Beth, Woot! Glad you like the painting…especially since long road trips aren’t in the immediate future. Hoping this image feeds a bit of the wanderlust! In the meantime, I look forward to the book cover option. Ha! Thank you as always for reading and commenting and being my chief support officer! Love ya xoxoxo
Denise Todloski
August 4, 2022Hello stranger, and thanks for the inspiring words and pictures, I especially LOVE the family pic of the long trip with seven other people. : ) Picked you out immediately. Road trips, breathing, drawing every day, all very inspiring. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and joy!! xx, Denise
Denise Todloski
August 4, 2022btw, I like your painting better than the road photo. : )
Julie Holmes
August 4, 2022;-D
Julie Holmes
August 4, 2022Hiya Denise,
Great to hear from youuuu! Isn’t that family pic a hoot?
How the heck are you and your family?
Hope all is well! Thank you for the thumbs up on the painting, too.
Take care and stay cool and xoxoxo
Kristina Philipson
August 5, 2022Julie,
I love what you did with that photo!
You are very recognizable in the family photo with you open smiling face.
Thanks for sharing.
Julie Holmes
August 10, 2022Hi Kristinaaaa,
Thank you so much!!! It’s always a delight to hear from you here. xoxoxo