Julie Dyer Holmes, Artist, Oil and Gouache Painter, painting lovely, contemporary, modern, dreamy, luminouos paintings with a bit of joy, gentleness and color in her Studio in Raleigh, NC

Learning to keep it simple

Learning to  keep it simple

As an aspiring figure painter and student at Studio Incamminati in Philadelphia, PA for the past year and 1/2, I have probably sketched and painted the beautiful human figure hundreds if not thousands of times. During my first year of school, I was working in charcoal 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. This […]

Color: A New View

Color: A New View

My second year of school at Studio Incamminati has been filled with so many new changes and delightful experiences including color! I felt as if last year, which was my first, was an endurance test where I was challenged at every turn to create charcoal drawings as realistically as possible using the least amount of […]

Endurance training: an art school requirement

Endurance training: an art school requirement

Hellooooo from Philadelphia! As I pass the 1/2 way mark of my first semester of art school at Studio Incamminati in downtown Philadelphia, PA, I am reminded of…well… endurance training for the Bizz Johnson Trail marathon race I ran and finished in 2007. In the photo I’m at the finish line (on the left) with […]

Building a new foundation as an artist

Building a new foundation as an artist

Hello again from Philadelphia where there seems to be rebuilding going on everywhere. The building behind our apartment building was demolished a few weeks ago. Now the focus is on the ground and excavating, leveling and preparing the soil for the new building. As a student and artist, I am learning new fundamentals and preparing […]

Feeling flayed…and that’s okay

Feeling flayed…and that’s okay

Greetings from Philadelphia where there have been ground-shaking changes all around me. Over the weekend, my 5-story apartment building shook as another, smaller building (pictured here in this paragraph) behind mine was demolished and bulldozed to the ground. Similarly, my perception of my ability to draw accurately is getting a bit of a bulldozing as […]

Art school: a new journey

Art school: a new journey

As a WordPress website designer, I am always thrilled to see a client begin (and keep on – yay Melanie Rudnick!!!) blogging and managing their website. Here in this blog, I’ve decided to partake in some of my own ‘dog food’ by blogging about my experience as a student in contemporary realistic art at Studio […]

How to create a new blog post in WordPress

Posted by in Blog, blogging
How to create a new blog post in WordPress

You’re a busy small business owner seeking local clients or you’re an artist, author, or non-profit and you have a new website in WordPress and you want to improve your online presence. Woohoo – congratulations on the new website! If you worked with me on that website, then you had training on how to update […]

Self-employed? It’s 1099 time

Self-employed? It’s 1099 time

Are you a self-employed business owner, artist, author, musician, coach and/or someone who works for themselves and has no employees? If so, you may have paid an independent contractor to help you get your business up and running or keep it looking good in 2013. If you paid that independent contractor $600 or more, then […]

You can update your WordPress website yourself

You can update your WordPress website yourself

You’ve just gotten an email from your hosting company (Bluehost) that says: Important Notice Regarding a PHP Upgrade. Or, you’ve logged into your WordPress dashboard and at the top of the page, there’s a link that reads: “WordPress version X.x is available. Please upgrade now.” Now what? If taking good care of a car means […]

How to get referrals for your business

Posted by in social media
How to get referrals for your business

When you get ready for a face-to-face appointment with a client or a meeting at work or an art gallery, I bet, at a minimum, you make sure your clothing is appropriate, you allow enough time to arrive on time and you are prepared with a goal. In other words, you are prepared to present […]