Julie Dyer Holmes, Artist, Oil and Gouache Painter, painting lovely, contemporary, modern, dreamy, luminouos paintings with a bit of joy, gentleness and color in her Studio in Raleigh, NC

Form and Figure

Form and Figure

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. -Bruce Lee Have you ever dreamed of learning something new from the best in class? Me, too! Last week, I took a figure and form painting workshop with Steve Early and Darren Kingsley. These two talented artists can certainly sling paint […]

Pushing the Envelope

Pushing the Envelope

 Pushing the envelope came into general use …after the publication Tom Wolfe’s book about the space program – The Right Stuff, 1979: One of the phrases that kept running through the conversation was ‘pushing the outside of the envelope’… [That] seemed to be the great challenge and satisfaction of flight test. http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/push-the-envelope.html You may not think […]

Developing an Art Practice

Developing an Art Practice

In an earlier post here, I wrote about dealing with distractions from creating art, drawings and paintings. Now that we have tackled the apartment move, I can focus on getting work done each day. While school is out, I have some specific home work to do. I am feeling pretty okay-ish about tackling the daily […]

Never Ever Do This

Never Ever Do This

One of my teacher’s said this to me when I asked how to make and prepare my own panels for oil painting. Have you ever had someone say this to you? Any recollection of your reaction to this kind of comment? Whenever I hear this question, I think, “I am so doing this!” So, I […]

Two Paintings in Show

Two Paintings in Show

My First Gallery Show I am so excited to have two paintings in Studio Incamminati’s show at Freeman’s in Philadelphia. The show opens on Tuesday night July 12, 2016 from 6:30 to 8:30pm. with over 100 paintings on display. Accolades for this show are in Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine. If you will be in or near Philadelphia, […]

Distractions from your practice

Distractions from your practice

Whether you are in the midst of a move (like we are) or in the adventure and commitment of raising children or any other life adventure such as caring for an aging parent or being focussed in a challenging non-art day job, there is always something that can get in the way of building an […]

Adventures in drawing

Adventures in drawing

Straight lines and angles Using straight lines and angles helps the artist to create a strong, energetic framework for any work of art (drawing or painting) whether its a simple still life or something as complex as the human figure. Drawing is something we all probably have done – especially as little kids. In this […]

What is Your Strategy

What is Your Strategy

As a realist artist whose goal is to create realistic, beautiful paintings, “What is your Strategy” is a vital and relevant question. I was surprised when one of my teachers first asked me this question. Why? Er because I tend to not be strategic and typically pick up my brush and just start painting. This […]

10 Tips to Build a Website

10 Tips to Build a Website

Greetings from web designer transitioning to full-time artist, Julie Dyer Holmes. If you are creative person/artist getting started with building an online presence, you may be wondering how to build an inexpensive website. Here are some tools and tips you can use to get your online presence up and running for less than $30. Tip […]

Tis the Season – 5 unique gift ideas

Tis the Season – 5 unique gift ideas

If you’ve waited till the last minute to shop for goodies this Holiday Season and you live in or near Raleigh, Durham or Chapel Hill, NC and you love buying one of a kind, creative and thoughtful gifts, search no more! Here are 5 suggestions with special *notations* if the recommendation also happens to be […]