More Whimsy

Why More Whimsy? Stay tuned! But first, in case you’re new, here’s more information. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, art history, and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! I choose a theme to guide my paintings each year. This year’s theme is Vessels, Views and Vistas. If you think your 2024 needs more color, consider subscribing to this weekly blog. When you do, you will also receive a monthly newsletter called “Art In Real Life.” In it, I share news about artwork and art walks. Some I have seen IRL (in real life). Others are from around the world, maybe even near you!? If so, maybe you’ll go see and share what it’s like to see art in real life. Let’s get to this week’s view. OK?
Why Whimsy
You may ask why whimsy? I say why not! After last week’s painting debacle and Covid crud, I sought out light and whimsical ideas and thoughts. What does that mean to me? Well, for one, it means ice cream. So, I grab my absolute favorite ice cream dishes. They, like the previous two paintings here and here are by a NC-based potter. Who’s this week’s craftsperson extraordinaire? Suze Lindsay I love the shapes of her pots; some of them have darts to connect various parts. The “feet,” supporting these bowls, have unique design surprises to delight you, if you choose to look.
Underneath the whimsy of each handmade pot is exquisite craftsmanship and knowledge. I love using these small functional works of art to savor a scoop of ice cream. And, yes, those are fish, yes fish, on the sides of these little bowls. But they add to the whimsy, don’t you think?
Studio Set Up, Palette and a New Addition
Before I share the painting itself, here’s the studio set up. And, here’s a list of the paints I use on the palette. It starts with Burnt Sienna, Alizarin Crimson Permanent, Cadmium Red Deep, Cadmium Orange, Hansa Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Cerulean Blue, French Ultramarine Blue, Ivory Black, Titanium White and one more addition I’ll share below. These colors combine to create several luscious grays with a smidge of green and pink compliments.

This week I added lead white to the palette in addition to Titanium White. Both Hansa Yellow and Titanium White are staples of my plein air palette. That is, the palette I use when painting outdoors. But! Once back in the studio, the lead white paint becomes a warm, somewhat transparent vehicle to all the colors I mix on my palette. For those of you who want to completely geek out on this topic, here’s one article with more choices of white paint than you can imagine.
All I can say is “Ooooh la la lead white is a delicious painting tool.” And, yes, lead is toxic. So, I wear gloves and wash hands before and after. No food or drink in the studio either. But common sense and good practice can lead to using this luscious tool to a whimsical end. Here’s this week’s painting.
Painting Whimsy

This painting is a part of a series! And, none of these sa-weet small paintings will be for sale till the series is complete later this spring. So, I hope you enjoy looking here in the meantime.
How About You
Are you a whimsy fan gentle reader? If so, I would love to know where you find whimsy. Please do share in the comments below. We could all use a burst of whimsy as we all navigate the days ahead. Don’t you think? Thank you for being here and for reading along, too.
Beth Dyer Clary
February 8, 2024Love whimsy, Julie. And happen to think it’s one of your gifts. It’s definitely in this painting which I love – the bowls, the spoons and the red and white striped cloth! Smile-inducing!
Julie Holmes
February 8, 2024Yay! TY Beth! Here’s to sharing ice cream together sooooon. xoxo
Kristina Philipson
February 8, 2024Julie,
I love your painting this week! The colors are a very pleasing mix and the shapes really do communicate a sense of whimsy.
I took Belle to see her vet the other day. Her name is Dr Whimsy (I kid you not!) and I like her very much. So that’s where I found “whimsy” this week anyway!
Julie Holmes
February 8, 2024Hi Kristina, Oh my gosh – that is such a great story!!! TY for your encouraging words and sa-weet whimsy story, Kristinaaaaa! xoxo
Kathy Michaud
February 9, 2024Hi Julie!
This painting makes me smile! I love the red stripes and the spoons up and ready. I’m glad you’re better and back at your easel. This is going to be a “sa-weet “ series!
Julie Holmes
February 9, 2024Hi Kathy, Thanks and so glad to hear this painting gives you a grin! Stay tuned and xoxo
Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist The Odd Couple - Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist
February 13, 2024[…] to include handmade pottery from craftspeople right here in North Carolina. Such as? Well, last week’s painting, titled “More Whimsy,” show’s Suze Lindsay’s whimsical and useful ice cream […]
Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist Hold On - Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist
February 21, 2024[…] that makes my heart sing. Such as? More whimsical, delightful pottery of craftswoman, Suze Lindsay, whose work I also painted two weeks ago in this post. Here’s the view from the studio this […]