Indispensable and amazing business partners

As a small business owner, your website is your virtual partner – ensuring that your business ‘looks great’ on the Internet. While I love helping small business owners create and/or redesign a website that works for their business, I have found that there are times when I happily partner with an expert to focus on certain important aspects of website maintenance.
From time to time, and in today’s post, I’ll share the partners I’ve come to know and trust. You are welcome to contact these partners directly, but I’d love to help you ‘meet’ these partners as we navigate our way through a website project, too.
If you have a complex website that includes a blog, then chances are you are familiar with the notice in the WordPress dashboard indicating that it’s time to update to the latest version. What is the next step? You can choose to press the ‘update’ button and cross your fingers or you can rely upon an an expert who is delighted to see the WordPress update button and diligently follows a protocol to move forward with the update, all the while making sure your site is unaffected by this process. This same expert manages my and several of my client’s website ‘backup’ processes, too.
Now some of you ‘do it yourselfers’ may question why I would want to pay someone to update and backup my WordPress files when there are plenty of free solutions to do so. Having experience with these free solutions, I can tell you it’s great to feel thrifty about installing that free plug-in but what would you do with that information in the event that your site is hacked or, for some reason, your database is compromised? Would you want to take precious time away from your business to research the source of the problem, then retrieve the files and rebuild your site yourself from those files? For me, and I bet for you, too, it’s a matter of priorities and time. I can install that free backup plug-in for you and, in fact in the past, I have done this on my site and on clients sites. However, over time I have found that since I don’t frequently deliver this type of service, my turn around time to resolve the problem would be slower than an expert who does this type of work – all the time.
Enter Rob Granholm with IT Arsenal. Rob not only offers amazing customer service and a super ‘can-do’ attitude, he has helped me rebuild my site in a pinch when it was hacked (prior to a new client meeting) in 2012. And, he offers a reasonable service that backs up your business website for less than the price of a single cellphone bill each month. If for some reason, your site is hacked or compromised, Rob has the skills and capabilities to rebuild your site in a quick turn around time.
Check out Rob’s site for more details on plans and pricing. Have you got a business partner that you rely upon? Share his/her information here and thank you!