I’m OK, You?

So I’m OK, you? This question and it’s answer has a dark side to it, gentle reader. Before I share the hairy scary details, here’s some back story on this blog. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! To read about this year’s painting theme, check the description in this link here. To subscribe and get a weekly dose of color and these blog posts, subscribe here. Let’s get to the details, alright?
What Does OK Really Mean
First things first, OK to most of us means alright, okeedokee, or fine. But, for me, there’s another darker and deeper meaning: Orchid Killer. Yes, that’s right, orchid killer. And, that is exactly what inspired this week’s painting and title.
The fact is that I offered to take care of someone’s house plants while they were away. Said house plants include orchids. I knew this ahead of time. And, I even got basic training with written instructions about how to (not kill but rather) care for these orchids.
But, as I tenderly watered and talked to orchid plants one through nine (or 12 maybe? Not sure), one of the gorgeous blooms fell off. You should have seen my face. I nearly dropped the watering container and zipped out of the house.
This made me so sad and cautious about taking care of these plants till the owner returns. Being the queen of worrying about things beyond my control, I decided to do what was in my control: paint the fallen bloom. Here it is! It brought me so much solace and relief to paint this little blossom. Seriously! And yes it’s for sale for $59 + $4.28 tax + $20 shipping = $83.28. You can PayPal.me $83.28 to make it your very own.

What Else Is Happening
So I’m glad you asked what else is happening. There’s lots of ‘behind the scenes’ preparation going on for the “Revealing Raleigh: Exploring Real and Imaginary Landscapes Show” at NOFO @ THE PIG Gallery in July.
Mostly, behind the scenes means stuff that you probably don’t really want to see. Don’t you think? But, I do enjoy taking my time dressing up paintings for a show. Now that I have archival mats from FinerWorks for each of the 10 paintings, I am happily using them. Here’s a photo of three of the paintings.

Next up? There are several more paintings getting their mats, too. Then I put them in their frames, add kraft paper and hardware on the back. Voila! Show time.
Whoa Nelly
But I get ahead of myself. There’s a whole month till that show. So, that’s it for now, gentle reader. I’m so grateful for you. What are you working on these days? Please do share in the comments below.
June 1, 2023Lovely painting of the orchid, Julie! You really captured its shape and color. Reading how painting offered you relief in the wake of something uncontrollable was also uplifting and inspiring. I also like retreating into the world of art when faced with something out of my control.
Congratulations again on your upcoming show! I really like the mats you used for the paintings. The size and shape are perfect to showcase your work. Bravo! xoxo
Julie Holmes
June 6, 2023Hi Alexandra, Wow – I love to read that painting offers comfort to you, tooooo. TY for your encouraging words about the show. Yours in grateful friendship and art!!! xoxo
June 8, 2023xoxo 🙂
Beth Clary
June 1, 2023That lovely orchid painting has two things in it that I love. One is the colors. (Are the colors?) Kind of muted and definitely unusual. That vase is a great color. The other thing is, to my eye, you captured the temporary, maybe fragile nature of orchid blooms in particular. The painting shows the beauty but also the great delicate nature of orchid blooms.
Congratulations on the show! Hope there are photos of you at that sometime down the road!
Julie Holmes
June 6, 2023Hiya Beth, Thank you for observing the muted colors! I have been thinking about the beauty of them lately. Keen of you to notice. And, thank you for congrats on the show tooooo. Lots o love to you and yours xoxo