Find Solace Here

Why call this week’s painting “Find Solace Here,”? Oh la la I can’t wait to describe more today. But, before I do, here’s information about this blog. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, occasional infuences from art history, and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! I choose a theme to guide my paintings each year. To read about this year’s painting theme, check the description in this link here. To subscribe and get a weekly dose of color for yourself, subscribe here. Ready to find solace? OK! Here goes!
Why Offer Solace
You may wonder but probably you don’t wonder, why we all might be in search of solace? Goodness there’s so much happening in our world these days. And, I’m not sure about you but I expect the year ahead will continue along a similar troubling path. Yes? So the current and future circumstances in which we live offer two very good reasons to seek and find solace.
In my mind, there’s only one place where I find it. And that place is nature itself. No matter where you live, I hope you have a chance to spend time in nature. Even if this means, a walk outside or opening a window to let fresh air in. Nature offers what we all need right now: serenity, skies, trees, comfort and solace.
Here’s this week’s painting entitled “Find Solace Here.” It’s 6×12 inches and painted in oils on panel.

Yes it’s for sale for $197 + $14.28 NC Sales Tax + Free Shipping Till 12/31/23 = $211.28. To purchase, click on the PayPal button below.
A Sliver of Good News
In last week’s post, I shared news that our NC favorite beach spot, Topsail Island, and it’s southern tip will not be developed. That good news continues as the organization involved in conserving the undeveloped southern end, Conserve the Point, has exceeded it’s year end fund raising goal!
If you would like to help me chip in to their new, higher year end fund raising goal, consider buying the paintings in last week’s post for $150 or make me an offer! I will pass along whatever you send me for these two paintings to Conserve the Point.
Inspiration for this Week’s Painting
I realize I haven’t shared many inspirational paintings recently. As I worked on this week’s, I caught a glimpse of a postcard of a favorite illustration. I love this wonderful, whimsical image by NC Wyeth. The painting is called The Giant. Here it is.

Gah! I love the way Wyeth captured the unique personality of the clouds, the waves and children. Like most images and our current world, there is a bittersweet story of loss with this painting. You can read more details here. I love the way Wyeth honors the loss of the boy in the white hat on the left. But does so with such wonderful majesty, color and imagination.
How Do You Find Solace
What about you gentle reader? How do you find solace? Do you have a practice, or a place or some other suggestion for me and all the other readers here? If so, I would love it if you shared your ideas here in the comments below. Take care and thank you!
Beth Clary
December 14, 2023The Giant. I think you know I either ate under it or staring at it for the two years we lived at Westtown. It is one of my favorite paintings ever. I knew only that it was a tribute to a Westtown student so to read the whole story was wonderful. Thanks for the enlightenment.
Maybe nature first followed closely by art in its many manifestations for solace for me.
Julie Holmes
December 15, 2023Hi Beth,
I had forgotten that “The Giant” was on view at Westtown where you worked till I googled it. What wonderful memories from that place!
Totally agree that nature + art = solace. Lots o love to you!
Denise Todloski
December 14, 2023Thanks, Julie, for spending the time and attention and sharing it with all of us!
Your pal,
Julie Holmes
December 15, 2023Hi Denise!
Sure thing amazing art pal. xoxo
December 15, 2023What a wonderful painting, Julie! I really like the dreamy and impressionistic quality of it. I was also really happy to read that Topsail Island will not be developed! It restores some of my hope. 🙂 xxoo
Julie Holmes
December 15, 2023Hi Alexandra, Ooooh I’m so glad you used the word ‘dreamy’ with your description of this painting. That word definitely came to me as I worked on it.
And, isn’t that so exciting up the conservation happening at Topsail??? Glad you feel some hope here too. xoxo back at youuuuuu