Endless Summer

Endless Summer

What do you think of when you hear Endless Summer? I look forward to sharing what I think of when I hear those words and see this week’s painting. But, first, if you are new here,  check out this link for a full description of the focus of this painterly blog. Now, on to this week’s painting, yes?

Never Ending

As the temperature soars in the 90s and “feels like” the 100s, I confess this summer feels endless. Many many years ago, at the beach, I remember wishing that summer would last forever; a completely different kind of endless summer.

Whichever way you view summer, here’s one interpretation of it in painting. I loved (loved!) painting this painting. It is definitely one of those paintings that flowed without effort or strain. And I guess it shows because it’s already framed and in its forever home.

How Are You

How is your summer going? Have you felt as if it’s endless? You know, endless in a good way? Or is it so hot and steamy where you are that it feels as if this summer will never ever end?

Either way, please share what’s happening with you in your world in the comments below. And, thank you for looking at this week’s painting! Stay cool.


  1. Beth Dyer Clary
    July 19, 2024

    Love the breathlessness of this painting, Julie! It’s a gasp of deilght and a sigh at the wonders around us. You really captured that to me. And how fun that it’s already “at home.” Congrats on that.

    • Julie Holmes
      July 23, 2024

      Hi Beth!

      Thank youuu. This was a fun one to paint and to share. xoxo

  2. Alexandra
    July 19, 2024

    Beautiful painting, Julie! The joy you described painting it comes through. The brushstrokes are so dynamic and almost jump off the surface! 🙂 I do love the long, lazy days of summers, whose pace I wish would last throughout the year. xoxo

    • Julie Holmes
      July 23, 2024

      Hi Alexandra,

      Thank youuu! So delighted that you can sense the joy. Take care and xoxo


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