Color Sketch Continues

Which color sketch continues? I will share with you here, gentle reader. But, first, here’s a warm (and bright colored) welcome to this place. What happens here? I am glad you asked. Each week I share a colorful painting with you. My hope is these color clad paintings delight your eyes and lift your spirits! If you’re new here and would like to receive these weekly posts, subscribe here. Let’s look more closely at this week’s painting…er color sketch here, OK?
Shadows in Still Life
Lately I have been looking at shadows in still life. This is a wonderful exercise to do with any kind of painting. Such as? Such as shadows in landscapes, shadows in portraits and shadows in figure paintings, too. So here’s another sketch or study of shadows. I did this on canvas paper and it’s about 12×12 inches. No price because these scruffy sketches aren’t for sale.

The best part about this sketch was the second pass. I learned to load up on paint but apply it sparingly. Even so, you can see some pretty big chunks of paint brush strokes here.
Painting in the Unsettling Times
Painting does offer me significant respite from these trying times. But I am seeing the value in making phone calls to elected officials. It feels as if we each need to take a look in the mirror and decide what and how much we can offer. I’m no organizer but I do see a need to ring the alarm bells here. That’s what I felt as I did this quick drawing recently.

What are you thinking
Are you thinking I am overreacting? Or do you see the same need to sound the alarm? If your answer is yes, let me know. I’ll be glad to email you a “Wanted” poster to print and share in your neck of the woods. Either way, please do let me know what you are thinking in this moment! I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below.
Beth Dyer Clary
February 6, 2025I do NOT think you are overreacting AT ALL! You have helped me enormously with ways to be active and vocal. I think all the best links and apps are thanks to you. So, overreact all you can as long as you share your discoveries please!
I’m no psychologist but I DO think it’s significant and fascinating that this week is a study of shadows. Shadows are such a complicated part of our world. Our shadow side is often something we’re hiding. Sometimes, I’ve been told, our “shadow side” deserves our careful attention because it teaches us something about ourselves we may not realize or acknowledge. Shadows offer respite from the heat and sun in the dog days of summer. This post just has me thinking more slowly about what is “hiding in the shadows.”
I’d be curious to see a photo of what you painted if you took a photo. Not a huge deal. The colors are so rich. Love how meditative I find this painting, err study.
Julie Holmes
February 8, 2025Hi Beth,
Ha! TY
I have been studying shodows since the beginning of the year. Glad you “see more” here.
Here’s linkity link to image of set up Note I left a few things out as I am not so much interested in painting exactly what I see these days. Tuning into the feeling of the set up and going with that and more. Stay tuned and thank you for your observations here! xoxo
Denise Todloski
February 6, 2025Reminds me of a Liza Donnelly sketch, nice one Jules. Yes, alarms must be rung—calling, writing, and calling pals too, for moral support. : ) Love the color sketch. Also looking at light and shadow a lot these days. Trying to look for the light, for obvious reasons. Loving those complementary colors in the shadows. Hugs, DT
Julie Holmes
February 8, 2025Hi Denise, Whoa! TY so much. We definitely need to wake up. Take care and lots o love xoxo