Coincidences and Connections

Coincidences and Connections

What do coincidences and connections have to do with this week’s painting? Wowee – a whole lot, gentle reader. Before I share more, if you are new here,  check out this link for a full description of the focus of this painterly blog. Now, on to this week’s painting, yes?

What’s the Coincidence

Get this! I’m traveling with my better half this fall. And, he has been kayaking in all kinds of amazing places with a good buddy. The kayaking spots have been fantastic for both kayaking and painting. Where’s the coincidence? One of my art school pals, Kathy Stewart, happened to be in the Maine at the same time as I was.

Wahoo! So we painted at Roque Bluffs State Park and had a blast recently. Here’s a pic of the two of us and yes I am wearing paint on my face. HA

So by now I guess you can see the coincidence and the connections, eh?

Kayaking Connection Too

Here’s David and his buddy, Brian, as they did a kayaking “fly by” while we were painting. They ventured off into the fog as Hurricane Ernesto was hurdling its way up the east coast. Ya – thank goodness they landed safely at the boat landing several hours later.

How About This Week’s Painting

Here’s this week’s painting from that beautiful spot. It’s 4×6 inches on gouache. It has a pretty noticeable tear on the lower left hand corner. Blame it on the artist tape or the artist’s handling of the artist tape. So, I’d rather have you see it in person before sending it off for sale.

I had a blast painting this one.

How are you doing gentle reader? Any coincidences and connections in your world? I hope so. And, if you do, please do share in the comments below.


  1. Alexandra
    August 22, 2024

    How wonderful that you and Kathy were in Maine at the same time! Very happy for you. It looks like you guys are having an amazing time. I love that photo of you with Kathy as well as the one with David kayaking. Beautiful painting! Love the vibrant colors and strong shapes as well as the immediacy of it. xxoo

  2. Beth Dyer Clary
    August 22, 2024

    How great that Kathy was in Maine at the same time!

    This painting has a very different feel to it. Lots of texture and movement and wonderful, to me, use of colors, particuarly love those blues! Something new coming forth from your imagination perhaps? Regardless of what it is, very exciting!


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