Less is More

Less is more is the ideal mantra for any practice, don’t you agree gentle reader? You may be wondering why I say this. Stay tuned! I will share here today. But first, I welcome new readers! And, here’s a link for those of you who are curious about the focus of this post and blog. […]
Road Trip

It’s that time of year for a road trip, don’t you think? Seems lots of people are antsy to get out and about after two plus years of hunkering down. In this post, I’ll share some thoughts about painting, different tools I am using and the road. But first, before I get started, I want […]
Rhythm in Art and Music

There is so much rhythm in art and music, don’t you agree? Or maybe you are thinking there’s rhythm in music, but art? Maybe not! I look forward to sharing this week’s painting experience with you. Maybe the connection will be clearer? Stay tuned! But first, I welcome new readers to this blog. And, here’s […]
Shabby Chic Reflections

Here’s to Shabby Chic Reflections! What in the world do I mean by that? Oh my I can’t wait to share with you. But before I do, here’s a link for new readers to get a description of the purpose of this post and blog. Let’s get to shabby chic reflections, shall we? Beach break […]
What’s Always in Front

What’s always in front but can’t be seen? I bet you can guess the answer gentle reader. But before I share, here’s a welcome to new readers. And, if you want more information about this blog, check this link out here. So what’s always in front? I wish I could see what’s always in front. […]
Without Love

Where would you be without love, gentle reader? And, geeze what does this have to do with oil painting? I’ll share more shortly but first here’s a link, describing this blog’s focus, for new readers here. Welcome new readers, too! All About the Road This week we are on the road visiting family in Massachusetts. […]
Musings on Painting and the Palette Knife

My intent with naming this post about musings on painting and the palette knife is simple. I want to share what I have learned so far about learning to use a new tool. But wait, there’s more! So much more! If you’re new to this blog and want to learn more, check out this link […]
Be Prepared

What is it about painting that requires the saying “Be Prepared?” AH! So many reasons, gentle reader! But first, here’s a link to a description of this post and blog for any newcomers here (welcome). Shall we cover this week’s topic, then? The Perks of being prepared If you like me are aware of your […]
Scattering Skies

Is scattering skies a thing? Sure is gentle reader. And, there are so many reasons why scattering skies excite me. But before I share more, here’s a link to last week’s post. Why? So, any new comers can read, in that post, about the purpose of this blog. Let’s get to scattering skies now, shall […]
Notice and Wonder

What have you been able to notice and wonder lately? I have lots to share here. But before I do, I will introduce the purpose of this post and blog to new readers. Ready? Transitions Welcome! Each year, I select a theme for my weekly paintings. This year’s theme is Transitions. I am expanding on […]