Two Stacked Pumpkins

Two Stacked Pumpkins

Welcome to Pumpkin Central where two stacked pumpkins are a sign of a happy home. Right? No? Well, maybe not everyone is as absolutely nutsoid and crazy about pumpkins as I am. (Mr Studly, by the way, completely agrees with the previous statement ;-D). But before I get too far ahead of myself, please let’s […]

Usual Suspects

Usual Suspects

In last week’s post, I describe my delight at the discovery of what now is this week’s usual suspects: kabocha squash and red pears. Oh la lah I am so excited to share some adventures in a new medium. But wait, dear reader, before I share all of that, let’s remind any new readers (welcome!) […]

Tipping Point

Tipping Point

Hello dear reader! Do you have a feeling we have reached a Tipping Point? Good Goddess I hope we have…on so many fronts. Two things before I go much further: 1. what is a tipping point and 2. what is this blog, painting and post all about. Definition of Tipping Point Previously, I have written […]



How about a little unity? You may think, like me, that there’s little room for unity at this polarized point in time. And, you would be absolutely accurate and spot on. Which must be why we might want to reverse the trend and go with unity, eh? But before I get ahead of myself, I’ll […]



Is it really possible to be playing in the midst of 2020’s endless problems? Let’s hope so. I named this little painting “Playing” for several reasons. Yes, I promise to share these reasons and more. But first, let’s remind any new blog readers about this colorful place and blog and its reason for being. Favorite […]



Resting? Resting! I found this leaf on one of my morning walks with our dog, Chloe. So, even though I wasn’t resting at the time, I came to think of this lovely oak leaf as resting while I painted it. Favorite Things Before I get too far ahead of myself, I will share that this […]

The Path is the Goal

The Path is the Goal

You may be wondering why I named this painting “The Path is the Goal?” Good question dear reader! I will share the reason and some studio thoughts and ideas in this week’s post. But first, I’ll share some background about this blog. Favorite Things In early 2020, I pledged to paint a painting each week […]

In Season

In Season

Here we are, dear reader, knee deep in one of my favorite times for in season tomatoes. So even though it’s hot as “h-e-double-toothpick” right now, it sure is a delight to visit the local coop or farmer’s market and buy delicious, beefy in season tomatoes. Don’t you think? A Series Before I get ahead […]

Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully

What is it about this moment in time that made me think of aging gracefully? Hmmm…perhaps just the fact that we all are? Or perhaps the luscious brown aging spots that appeared on this artichoke as I painted it? But before I continue, here’s a bit of a reminder. Favorite Things This painting and blog […]

Letting Go

Letting Go

Who is letting go these days? How about everyone and everything, don’t you think? Even the oak tree across from our house is letting go leaves and branches and acorns in the middle of summer time. But before I continue, dear reader, I’ll remind you of a few things. Favorite Things This blog offers weekly […]