What’s the Point

What’s the point of writing What’s the Point? Oh la la I can’t wait to describe more today. But, before I do, here’s information about this blog. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, occasional infuences from art history, and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, […]
Change and Wanderlust

We came to change and wanderlust honestly in our family. How? Welp before I share that I will welcome new readers and describe the purpose of this blog and post. Small Spaces Special Places Welcome new readers! Each year, I select a theme for my weekly paintings. This year’s is “Small Spaces Special Places.” Why? […]
What Matters

Today we’re getting to the nitty gritty of life by asking What Matters. Really? What brings this on? Before I share the delightful details, I will welcome new readers and share the purpose of this blog and today’s post. Small Spaces Special Places Welcome new readers! Each year, I select a theme for my weekly […]
Of Trees and Clouds

We have run away to see the gorgeous land of trees and clouds and hills in western North Carolina. This place is rich in gorgeous views and complicated history. Before I share more, I want to welcome newcomers to this blog and share it’s purpose! Small Spaces Special Places Each year, I select a theme […]
Colorful Canopy

Wow was it fun to find this colorful canopy on my walk this week! Discovered this on a morning walk with BDE (best dog ever ;-D). Before I continue, I’ll share the purpose and focus of this post and blog. Small Spaces Special Places Each year, I select a theme for my weekly paintings. This […]
Carolina in the Pines

Why Carolina in the Pines and not Carolina on my Mind? Read on! This time of year when the leaves are down, I just love the way Pine trees pop into view. It makes me think of one of my favorite songs in college (gasp – before I ever even knew I would end up […]
Three Ways to Grow

The way I see it these days, there are three ways to grow, dear reader. And, I will share those ways with you here today. But before I get too far down the road, here’s a hellooo and welcome to new readers. Also, I’ll offer a quick refresher to all of you about the purpose […]
Keep it in Your Pantry

I’ll never forget the first time I heard the song entitled “Keep it in Your Pantry.” It’s the title of a song by Lyle Lovett. The lyrics crack me up. And, who doesn’t need to have a few laughs these days? But before I continue, let’s welcome new readers to this blog and explain it’s […]
10 Things to Boost Your Mood

So what does 10 things to boost your mood have to do with painting and this blog? Lots! And, I promise to share. But first, I want to welcome newcomers here (welcome!) and describe what this blog is all about. OK? Small Spaces Special Places Each year, I select a theme for my weekly paintings. […]

You may be wondering why I would name a painting of a bluebird house “Hope?” Well I am so glad you asked! Before I explain, I want to welcome newcomers here (“Welcome!) and share the purpose of this blog and post. Small Spaces Special Places Each year, I choose a theme to follow for my […]