The One I Love

Are you The One I Love, gentle reader? Well, of course, I love you! But this post and painting are about a material kind of love. Material love? That sounds so superficial, doesn’t it? But wait, there’s more to it than that. I promise! Before I elaborate, I want to welcome new readers and share […]
Adios 2021

Adios 2021! Here are three things for which I am grateful. But before I share these three things, I want to welcome new readers here and describe the purpose of this post and blog. Okeedokee? Small Spaces Special Places Welcome new readers! Each year, I select a theme for my weekly paintings. This year’s is […]
Play Date

Play Date is the name of one of this week’s gouache paintings. I had several other names for this painting before settling on Play Date. I will share that information and the scoop on a new contemporary painter “crush” I have in today’s post. But first, I will welcome new readers and share the purpose […]

Choices is the apt name for this week’s 6×6 inch painting. Why name it choices? Ahhh let me count the ways. But before I do, I want to welcome new readers and share the focus of this blog and today’s post. Small Spaces Special Places Welcome new readers! Each year, I select a theme for […]
Missed Opportunity

What do you do when you notice a missed opportunity? Do you scramble to meet it? Or do you decide it is what it is and move on? My guess is you have probably done both. Right? Before I describe this week’s painting and name, I’ll share the purpose of this blog for new readers. […]
Overcup Oak Leaf Painting

Have you ever seen an Overcup Oak Leaf Painting? If you have, you might notice something surprising about it. But before I share that, I will welcome new readers and share the purpose of this blog and post. Small Spaces Special Places Welcome new readers! Each year, I select a theme for my weekly paintings. […]
Of Trees and Clouds

We have run away to see the gorgeous land of trees and clouds and hills in western North Carolina. This place is rich in gorgeous views and complicated history. Before I share more, I want to welcome newcomers to this blog and share it’s purpose! Small Spaces Special Places Each year, I select a theme […]
Colorful Canopy

Wow was it fun to find this colorful canopy on my walk this week! Discovered this on a morning walk with BDE (best dog ever ;-D). Before I continue, I’ll share the purpose and focus of this post and blog. Small Spaces Special Places Each year, I select a theme for my weekly paintings. This […]
Redbud and Rocks

This week, I came across a fantastic Redbud and rocks on my morning walk. There are so many paintings circulating in my mind after seeing this tree and several of it’s companions. But before I share more, here’s the purpose of this post, blog and a welcome to new readers here. Small Spaces Special Places […]
Tree Sounds

What do you think of when you see the words “Tree Sounds?” Do you think of the wind rustling through leaves? Or maybe you hear scratchy noises as a squirrel couple scampers up, grabs tree leaves to make a nest? There are so many other tree sounds to describe! But, first, I’ll write the purpose […]