What Matters

Today we’re getting to the nitty gritty of life by asking What Matters. Really? What brings this on? Before I share the delightful details, I will welcome new readers and share the purpose of this blog and today’s post. Small Spaces Special Places Welcome new readers! Each year, I select a theme for my weekly […]
Missed Opportunity

What do you do when you notice a missed opportunity? Do you scramble to meet it? Or do you decide it is what it is and move on? My guess is you have probably done both. Right? Before I describe this week’s painting and name, I’ll share the purpose of this blog for new readers. […]

Here we are heading into fall of 2020 when the shadows get longer, right? I love this time of year. The air is cooler and we can almost sense a change. At least that’s what I hope. But before I get too far along in my thinking, I’ll share some important details with you. Favorite […]
Lend a hand

Why call this post “Lend a hand?” For the past several months…ok for the past 406 days, I have been drawing hands. This week I share why I started, what I have learned and why I will continue this practice. And, given our current pandemic ridden world, I think it’s cool to share images of […]
Decluttering online

Hello creative person! I know you, like me, would rather be drawing, painting, writing or doing your favorite passionate pursuit. But I have a question for you. Are you a fan of the decluttering fad that’s everywhere these days? OK I understand how important having a tidy space is. We’re currently living in a studio […]
Drawing drills, drawing and drilling

Drawing drills Why bother with drawing drills when I’ve been out of school for 6 months? Well, truth is the commitment to the craft requires drawing drills. And, since David and I are staying in Philadelphia 1 more year, I’ve enlisted the help of one of my instructors, Stephen Early, to help me continue to refine […]
Break is over

Welcome to the world of painting from live objects and models. The phrase “break’s over” has several meanings in this context. First, the traditional spring break for Studio Incamminati has just ended. So you could say, “Break’s over.” If you were taking a class here saying “Break’s over” has another meaning. What other meaning? When […]
Keeping a sketchbook

Keeping a sketchbook handy is a great way to build drawing skills. I carry a Moleskin sketchbook and pencils in my purse. That means if I have to wait in line, anywhere, I can sketch to my heart’s content. Here are some tips and thoughts about sketching: you do not have to share your sketches […]