Decluttering online

Hello creative person! I know you, like me, would rather be drawing, painting, writing or doing your favorite passionate pursuit. But I have a question for you. Are you a fan of the decluttering fad that’s everywhere these days? OK I understand how important having a tidy space is. We’re currently living in a studio […]
Drawing drills, drawing and drilling

Drawing drills Why bother with drawing drills when I’ve been out of school for 6 months? Well, truth is the commitment to the craft requires drawing drills. And, since David and I are staying in Philadelphia 1 more year, I’ve enlisted the help of one of my instructors, Stephen Early, to help me continue to refine […]
Shady Characters

While drawing these figs, I immediately thought of the words “shady characters.” You may think that the figs are the shady characters, right? After all, the figs are casting shadows and they look ‘shady.’ But the truth is I am the one who is the ‘shady character.’ On two separate morning walks this week, I […]