Carry On Love is Coming

Carry On Love is Coming

Sing along with me: Carry On Love is Coming Love is Coming to Us All. Holy Smokes, gentle reader what has come over me? Well, before I share all of that, I want to welcome new readers. Welcome! And I like to share the purpose of this blog here.

First Things First

Before I share the song of the same name, I want to share a work in progress. It’s also called “Carry On Love is Coming.” Why? It came to me as I was painting it. Why? Probably because I absolutely love the colors that are happening on this sweet dogwood tree in our backyard. Here’s the work in progress picture.


If you look to the left side of the photo you can see (kinda) the blurry reference to the reddish, orange-ish, green-ish colors of the tree. Gah! I just love this combination of colors this time of year. And, I love painting on a warm red surface when I’m painting outdoors. As I work on this painting, I will do my best to keep some of that surface peaking through. Why? Because that color is a part of the tree’s leaves. Stay tuned on that effort.

Next Up with Carry On

Earlier this week, we took David’s younger sister, Sue, and her partner, Neil, to the airport so they could fly back home to the UK. While they were here, we spent time with them along the Outer Banks and in search of kayaking spots around Raleigh, too. And, we couldn’t resist walking to The Bridge in downtown Raleigh. It’s super friendly place to watch Neil’s favorite team Everton.

And, even though we were surrounded by Liverpool FC fans at the Bridge, everyone was super friendly. Especially the one other Everton fan that Neil found. Gotta say, Neil is one of the funniest people I have ever might in my life. Whether he’s making me giggle with Everton references (to everything) or mentioning he’s a bit queasy with PMT (pre match tension) before the game Saturday, we all really enjoyed a daily dose of laughter.

Family Ties

It sure was delightful to see David and his sis, Sue, spend time together kayaking, walking and talking. Here’s a snapshot I took of the two of them just before sunset on our last night at the Outer Banks. She is beautiful inside and out and engages with everyone, four-legged and two-legged, with a gentle nature that I aspire to have some day.


Oh and just in case you think we were living in an alternative universe of no disagreements. Never fear! There were one or two. Such as? Well, chocolate, for instance. Chocolate? YES! Every single person from “Across the Pond” insists on putting chocolate in the refrigerator. What the heck? That’s verboten in my world. It destroys the flavor. Right?

You Be You

We four had fun shifting the chocolate to it’s proper place during the entire visit. Me? Chocolate in the cupboard please. Them? Sneak chocolate into fridge anytime I was looking the other way. GAHHHH!

Despite having to eat waxy overchilled chocolate for the last two weeks (good gawd!!!), shazam I/we are sure going to miss having these two around the house. It’s times like these when I wish we had access to Jetson-style helicopters so we could zip across the pond for a visit. Here’s a selfie of the four of us before they flew home earlier this week.


Heads up everybody, here’s hoping you hug your family and friends. If there’s one silver lining from these crazy past few years, it’s that, eh?

Carry On Love is Coming

Even though this song by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young was supposed to be the “B” side song, I have always loved it. Check it out!

Have you had the chance to visit with far away family and/or friends recently? If so, how was it? It almost feels surreal at first, doesn’t it? Go ahead and share your experiences in the comments below gentle reader. I would love to hear from you.


  1. Patricia Reid
    November 3, 2022

    So love your blog this week. Happy times with family are the best. Thank you for sharing yours with us! XO

    • Julie Holmes
      November 9, 2022

      Thank you Pat! I”m so glad you enjoyed this week’s post. Yay! xoxo

  2. Beth Dyer Clary
    November 3, 2022

    So wait … is that red color paint or the material on which you are painting? Didn’t quite understand that. (Time of day perhaps.)

    Regardless it is a wonderful color. Anxious to see the end result. Hope you’ll post it.

    And fabulous photos! And stories! So glad it was such a great visit. XOXO

    • Julie Holmes
      November 9, 2022

      Hiya Beth,
      Sharp eye and thank you for asking! Yes there’s a burnt sienna tone on the painting. Then I blocked in the shapes for the tree in a different darker color. Stay tuned and thanks so much as always for reading and commenting here! xoxo

  3. Kathy Michaud
    November 6, 2022

    Thanks for this great song, Julie!
    I too love the fall colors you’re playing with. Keep us posted please.

    • Julie Holmes
      November 9, 2022

      Hiya Kath! Glad you enjoy that song too. Will definitely keep you posted on painting and delighted that you love those fall colors toooo! xoxo

  4. Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist Pear and Persimmon Painting - Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist
    November 9, 2022

    […] Pear and Persimmon Painting gentle reader? And, what ever has happened to last week’s painting? So much to share this week. But first, here’s a warm welcome to you and new readers, too, and […]


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