Beauty Rest

By the time you read this blog post, dear reader, I/we will either have gotten an abundance of beauty rest or none at all. Why? We took a short camping and hiking trip with friends this week.
Gone Fishin’
But even though we have taken off from the ‘real world’ (whatever that means these days), I could not resist sharing this painting called Beauty Rest. I remember painting this at Open Studio at Alia Fine Art Studio in downtown Raleigh. You know, back before the pandemic? I was standing in one of my favorite spots: far left hand side.
Why is that my preferred spot? Because I am a lefty and the far left spot feels like a perfect corner for me! And, there are usually 15 to 20 other artists participating, plus the model. So, it’s a wonderful way to paint with a group. It’s also a good challenge to paint the human figure in a limited time frame. In this case, we paint for three hours.
These days, open studio is a mere memory. But, there are plenty of other painting ideas and projects floating around in my mind.
Favorite Things
You may recall that I promise to share a painting or a drawing each week. These weekly paintings are a part of a series called “Favorite Things.” My primary subject matter for this series is food. I have painted everything from tea and cookies to turnips, carrots, pears, mangoes, apples, eggplants even sweet potatoes and green onions to name a few!
So I expect that I will be thinking about painting subject matter while I am away getting my beauty rest. I love painting fruit and vegetables. But I have soooo many other ideas percolating in my head.
I will share some ideas about new paintings in a future blog post. For now, you can receive weekly lovely and luscious paintings in your inbox, when you sign up here. And, many of the paintings are available for sale, too. Some have already sold! But you can click on the links above. There is a link to the sales page if the painting is still for sale.
Your Beauty Rest
How about you? What do you like to do to make sure you get your beauty rest? Do you head out to the woods? Or do you like the ocean? Of maybe you enjoy the hustle of city life for beauty rest? Although I am not sure city hustle and bustle is a good idea for beauty rest these days but who knows?
Whatever works for you do share in the comments below. And I look forward to being back in the studio and sharing new paintings soon! Thank you for reading!