Rise Up

Rise Up

It’s time to rise up, don’t you think? Before I share more, here’s a warm (and bright colored) welcome to you. What happens here? I am glad you asked. Each week I share a colorful painting or a painting in progress with you. My hope is these color clad paintings delight your eyes and lift your spirits! If you’re new here and would like to receive these weekly posts, subscribe here. Let’s look more closely at this week’s painting in progress, OK?

Work in Progress

This week’s painting is a work in progress. Here it is. It’s 8×8 inches, painted in oils on panel. And, yes, there’s a lot of blank space around it. Right? Confession: sometimes I carefully plan paintings. Other times not. Here’s one idea, inspiration, for this painting. Or maybe I can paint clouds. What do you think?

If you look at this and think…hmmm…you look kinda p*ssed, you’d be right. I am! This week is the fourth week I have walked to the State Capital for a protest. Maybe, pretty soon here, something will have to give. Don’t you think?

New Ideas

Or maybe we need to start having some new ideas? Here are two ideas. Idea numero uno, how about re-writing the Constitution to address our problems…now. My kid sister, knows David Wright Fallade (DWF), who is giving a convocation (lecture) at his alma mater, Carleton College, about this in April. DWF says the French have changed their constitution multiple times in our lifetime. Why not us?

If you think you want to hear this new, creative idea, here’s the linkity link to sign up for the talk (via Zoom) on April 18th.

Here’s idea number two. Consider getting news from a new source? Me? I am loving listening to “Under the Desk News” with V Spehar. Yes, yes, she did the traditional journalism route but now she’s a free agent and shazam, she’s informative, funny, inquisitive and connected. BONUS: Thursdays she always shares good news no matter what the heck is going on. So before I close out this week’s post, I’m going to share some good news too. Here goes!


No we didn’t ditch BDE (best dog ever) and get puppies. But! I did hike with a woman who volunteers for an organization called “Eyes Ears Nose and Paws.” Check out their mission statement:

Eyes Ears Nose and Paws partners people with dogs to improve lives.

We collaborate with the correctional system to train assistance dogs that we partner with people who have disabilities. Our incarcerated trainers develop interpersonal, leadership, and job skills while giving back to the community despite their incarceration; and our clients receive life-changing support for their disabilities in the form of a highly-trained canine partner.

Our mobility service dogs assist people with mobility impairments.  These dogs assist with a wide variety of daily tasks, including retrieving items, opening doors, operating buttons and switches, and helping prevent and recover from falls. Our medical alert dogs are trained to detect and alert to changes in medical conditions such as diabetes; retrieve medical kits; and get help in an emergency.

Yes I know this has absolutely nothing to do with painting. But that puppy picture (of Saffron & Ginger) made me so happy I just had to share it with you. These two pups are litter mates, in training, and had just been reunited with each other when the camera shutter clicked. GAH! So cute! OK OK back to painting news.

Save the Date

Remember to save the date for the Forest Park Art Show

Forest Park Art Show
Sunday, April 13, 2025
2:00PM to 5:00PM
The Brown House Gallery
1310 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27605

Be sure to check out all the artists’ who are participating in the show here. There will be wonderful artwork on view and for sale, friendly artists ranging in age from 20-something – ish to 90-something – ish, nibbles and beverages and some fun and friendly activities on the gallery porch too.

How About You

How are you doing gentle reader? Are you about ready to rise up, too? What ideas are spurring you on? I would love to hear from you! So, please share your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. Beth Dyer Clary
    March 13, 2025

    Oh wow are those puppies cute! They look like they’re smiling.

    I’m interested in how you will fill the space on your painting of you. That Andy Warhol piece is powerful and I wonder if there is a story about how that came to be? If you find out, please consider sharing it. That may effect what I imagine you painting in the space left undefined. My immediate reaction is BIRDS – symbolic at least to you, of how the world should be to you. Eagle? Owls? Bluebirds of Happiness? Cuckoo because of the happenings right now? That’s just what I thought of right away.

    And whoa! Sharing the link for David’s Convocation talk is exciting … and may be making me nervous for him. Perhaps silly, but there it is! Thanks for promoting DEMOCRACY every chance you have!

    • Julie Holmes
      March 13, 2025

      Hiya Beth, Aren’t those puppies totally adorbable? ;-D

      Guess what? I had birds in the painting earlier. I can’t seem to communicate in paint what I feel when I see our hear birds. But I love the idea and will definitely reconsider.

      I’m so excited for your buddy, David’s, speech and look forward to it! The whole idea is a breath of fresh air right now. And I need that so thank you for sharing it with me! xoxo

  2. Alexandra
    March 13, 2025

    So many good things to comment on in your post, Julie! First off, the painting is really cool. I love the freshness of the brushwork, palette and your expression. I happen to think that you could keep the negative space as sparse as possible considering how much is happening on the right side of the painting. Maybe finish up the portrait and then see if you even need any objects on the left?
    Love how engaged you are! How can we not be during this dark time? Had no idea that the French have changed their Constitution; wonder if it’s in the form of amendments like we have done or gone into the original text? At any rate, very cool.
    Had never heard of David Wright Faladé. Interesting background. Just read a bit about him and am thinking of getting his latest book from the library.
    And, what adorable doggies!! I’ve heard about these programs before where inmates train dogs. I think it’s a profoundly moving and beneficial program. How wonderful to hear about one so close to home. xxoo

    • Julie Holmes
      March 13, 2025

      Hi Alexandra,

      I like your idea about negative space and have been thinking about how to make that feel unified with the rest of the painting. Stay tuned and thank you for your painterly input!

      Ya DWF is an inspiration. My sis has known him for ages. And, I was lucky enough to hang out with him in Paris years ago for my 30th birthday. Hope you enjoy reading his books.

      The doggies are just so playful looking. When the woman who volunteers with this group, shared that pic, I just couldn’t resist asking her to send it to me. Going to re-visit it any time my mood takes a dip! Great as alwasy to hear from youuuu! xoxo

  3. Denise Todloski
    March 13, 2025

    Always appreciate your paintings, perspectives, and art calendar updates. Thank you!

    • Julie Holmes
      March 13, 2025

      Hi Denise, You betcha!!! Appreciate you tooooo. xoxo

  4. Jeannette rogers
    March 15, 2025

    I think the background is fine as it is and look forward to seeing your final version. The eyes in particular intrigue me.
    I also love the doggies.

    • Julie Holmes
      March 19, 2025

      Hi Jeannette!!! TY so much for commenting. Stay tuned on this painting…it’s still in progress ;-D Aren’t those doggies so darn cute? xoxo


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