The Victory Tree

What and where is The Victory Tree? I’m so glad you ask. Stay tuned as I share the sweet story about this week’s painting. But first, whether you are new here or not, know that this is a colorful painting place. Meaning? That means that each week I share a colorful painting for you to see and enjoy. My hope is that these colorful, affordable paintings will delight your eyes and – hopefully – lift your spirit or mood! OK here’s the back story or context.
News Weary
Not sure if you feel this way, but lately, I have been feeling news weary. It’s a feeling I get which involves a simple step: turn off the news. But sometimes, even when I do that, the headlines and shouting and weather emergencies still find a way into my head space.
So I did something else simple. I walked around our yard. And, given the rain of the last week or so, I first noticed my feet going “squoosh, squoosh, squoosh” through the grass. Then I looked at my yard. It definitely needs work but there’s a dogwood tree in our front yard that looks absolutely divine right now. And that’s what I painted this week. Here’s the setup and the luscious, post painting palette.

Why Name It Victory
As I looked at the dogwood tree in our front yard, I saw so many branches that extend out and form the letter “V.” That’s what tree branches do, right? It made me think of all the headlines out there and all the madness and how wonderful it would be if a nice person, a super smart and accomplished person but also a dad, won this year.
OK let me cut to the chase here. Fact is, a current elected official who is running for higher office used to live in our house. And, he occasionally walks in our neighborhood because he lives nearby. One time he was walking by and I was out on the front porch. He started to chat and then said “Do you mind if I take a photo of the dogwood tree in your yard?” I said, “Of course not.” He commented that he and his wife planted that tree when one of their kids was born and he likes to check on it now and then. How sweet is that?
Cue Up the Dogwood Tree Today
Even though it’s only September, the colors on that dogwood tree are absolutely gorgeous. So I knew I had to paint this sweet tree. Here’s this week’s painting.

People Say
People say you there aren’t any good people “out there” and people say “shock and fear” are the only way to grab people’s attention. I say “Heck no!” There are mighty fine people out there and a sweet story about a dad who loves his kids warms my heart. How ’bout you gentle reader?
Have you heard something or seen something sweet that defies what people say? Oooh la la I would love it if you shared it in the comments here. Thank you for joining me today!
Beth Clary
September 26, 2024Beautiful shades of red and pink on that tree Julie. Seems almost but not quite out-of-season. I love that you caught these colors before full-on fall colors take over!
Thanks, too, for the link to Josh Stein’s website. Of course I’ve heard you talk about him but spending some time on that campaign site added information on him. Mighty impressive qualifications and a good guy to boot? Go Josh go!
Julie Holmes
September 26, 2024Hi Beth,
TY! The colors on that tree this year are soooo lovely. Either I haven’t noticed them before or they are more vibrant, colorful and pink and orange this time!
Glad you took a look at our local Governor’s candidate. There has been so much negative news, though justified, about the other candidate. It has such a wearying and horrible impact on this place and politics. I just had to share some of the kinder, even sweeter, sides of this election and place. TY so much for reading! xoxo
Denise Todloski
September 26, 2024The painting and the story, both divine! xx, your pal, Denise
Julie Holmes
September 26, 2024Hiya Denise,
TY. You are pretty divine too, you!
Sooo grateful to know you and count you as a pal. xoxo
September 26, 2024Excellent work Julie!
Julie Holmes
September 26, 2024Thank you so much, Doraaa!
September 26, 2024Beautiful story and painting, Julie! News weary, indeed. Thank goodness for the escape of painting as well as the reminder that there are good people out there! Yes, let’s hope for good election results!!
Julie Holmes
September 26, 2024TY so much Alexandra!!
Definitely xoxo