The Inner Light

The Inner Light

Why name this week’s post “The Inner Light?” I’m so glad you ask. Stay tuned as I share the last painting from this year’s Road Trip North. But first, whether you are new here or not, know that this is a colorful painting place. Meaning? That means that each week I share a colorful painting for you to see and enjoy. My hope is that these colorful, affordable paintings will delight your eyes and – hopefully – lift your spirit or mood! OK here’s this week’s color fix.

Set up for the Inner Light

Here’s a photo of the beautiful scene for this week’s painting. It’s in Brunswick, Maine at a sweet campground called Thomas Point Beach. It’s located on a quiet cove where horseshoe crabs and people (ha!) have been returning year after year.

The Rhythm of the Tides

Each day the marsh at Thomas Point Beach empties and fills. The changes bring so many beautiful, paintable colors and birds, clouds, sky and sun colors too. Here’s this week’s painting which is 9×12 inches and painted in gouache.

The name of this painting is inspired by the Beatles song also called “The Inner Light.” Why? So many reasons. In particular, as we wrapped up this year’s road trip north which lasted about six or seven weeks and 6000 miles, I realize one thing: the farther I travel, the less I know. Or how ’bout “the more I know, the more I know I don’t know.” Or perhaps these lines from the song itself:

Without going out of my door
I can know all things of earth
Without looking out of my window
I could know the ways of heaven
The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows

Without going out of your door
You can know all things on earth
Without looking out of your window
You could know the ways of heaven
The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows

Arrive without traveling
See all without looking
Do all without doing

I’m looking forward to not going anywhere on the road this fall. I hope to spend time in the studio with all the paintings I did while on the road. Perhaps they will help me see some new ways to see. Who knows, eh? Either way, I’ll keep you posted.

The Inner Light Painting

The Inner Light painting is for sale for $85 + $6.16 NC Sales Tax + $25 Shipping = $116.16. Here’s the PayPal Linkity Link to make it your very own.

How About You

What’s happening in your world gentle reader? Are you realizing something new and different? Maybe something that surprises you? I would love it if you would share that in the comments below.


  1. Alexandra
    September 19, 2024

    Welcome home, Julie! What a lovely painting as well as photo of the setting including with your sweet Chloe! I also enjoyed reading your insights into Inner Light and knowing less as opposed to more. I feel that way all the time and the feeling gets stronger the older I get. I am constantly surprised at how little I know and more so how much this feeling surprises me anew each time! 🙂 In some way, it’s a comfort. It forces me to learn all the time and I hear that’s one way of staying young! xxoo

    • Julie Holmes
      September 19, 2024

      Thank you Alexandraaaa!

      And, thank you for sharing your similar observations about ‘the more we know, the more we know we don’t know.’ I’m wondering if this sentiment is true of anyone aging and/or in a creative space (as we are) or anyone in this moment in time. Either way, it’s wonderful to hear from you and know that these thoughts have crossed your mind too.

      Sending lots o love and paint your way! xoxo

      • Alexandra
        September 26, 2024


        • Julie Holmes
          September 26, 2024

          xxoo back at ya!

  2. Beth Dyer Clary
    September 20, 2024

    Wow do I love this painting! There is such movement, gentle movement, in it to my eyes. And the colors are very pleasing to me. I would like to sit and stare at that spot!
    Hadn’t heard that Beatles’ song in … decades! Enjoyed hearing it again and being reminded of the power of humility and curiosity which seems to run through most of your posts, maybe all of them!

    • Julie Holmes
      September 23, 2024

      Thank you Beth!!!!

      So cool that you remember the Beatles song too. It’s a dreamy one, isn’t it?



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