Tantalizing Talkative Trees

Where can you find tantalizing talkative trees? Oooh I can’t wait to share with you gentle reader. But first, whether you’re new here or not, know that this is a colorful, painting place. My hope is that your eyes and spirit will enjoy the paintings I share here each week. Let’s get to it, shall we?
Tantalizing Trees
Every time I walk in the woods, both on this road trip and at home, I love being surrounded by trees. You? I know, right?
Here’s this week’s painting in gouache. It’s 4×6 inches on cold press paper. And it has already found it’s forever home. Yay!

Talkative Trees
You may agree that trees are tantalizing but talkative? Um? I can’t explain it but I do sense that these tall sentinels have words to share. Such as?
How about: stand tall, listen to the wind, embrace the rain, watch out for others, care, and of course, hear the birds.
This trip I have heard the high buzz of Cedar Waxwings and ricocheting call of the Belted Kingfisher. I have been surprised and kinda sad to not have heard a single Barred Owl call. You know that one-> “who cooks for you? who cooks for you-awwww?”
Here’s hoping these owls are spread out and thriving away from humans in the woods of Maine and Canada.
How ‘Bout You
How are you gentle reader? Are you tantalized by trees? If so, I would love to know. Share in the comments below.
September 5, 2024LOVE this, Julie!!! Absolutely gorgeous!
Julie Holmes
September 10, 2024Hi Lauraaaaa,
Thank you youuuuuu xoxo
September 5, 2024Excellent!!
Julie Holmes
September 10, 2024Hi Doraaaa!!!
Beth Dyer Clary
September 12, 2024There is something going on in your imagination or creative self because these are some inspired paintings. Not surprised this one got scooped up.
By the way, we heard both Barred Owls AND the first whinnying calls of Eastern Screech Owls of the new mate and house hunting season for them. Here’s hoping they like our owl house again this year!
Julie Holmes
September 18, 2024Hiya Beth, TY a whole bunch. ;-D
Wahoo to hearing both owls. Sooo lucky you! xoxo