Harbor of Your Longing

Helloooo and here’s this week’s painting entitled “Harbor of Your Longing” If you are new here, check out this link for a full description of the focus of this painterly blog. Now, on to the painting, ok?
We All Have It
As I worked on this painting, outdoors and indoors, I kept noticing the feeling I get. Some might call it “the zone.” Or you may experience it as “flow.” But it’s there. When I think about getting that flow experience, I realize how lucky I am. And, as usual, there’s that nagging feeling of wanting something more. You know what I mean, right? That human condition when, whatever you have right in front of you might be amazing, but there’s that longing.
As luck would have it, I read a Mary Oliver poem with the phrase “harbor of your longing.” Aha! That’s what I’ll call this week’s painting. Here’s a link to the entire poem.
This Week’s Painting
And, here’s the painting; it’s 12×6 inches and painted in oils on panel. It’s unframed but for sale for $147 + $10.66 NC Sales Tax + $25 shipping = $182.66. Here’s a PayPal link to make it your very own.

How About You
What’s happening in your world, gentle reader? Care to share your ‘harbor of longing’ here? If so, I would love to hear about it in the comments below.
Beth Dyer Clary
June 10, 2024What a striking painting, Julie. You usually tell us where you’re painting. Or what you’re painting. This is a gorgeous landscape with sooooo many colors in it. I just keep returning to it and seeing something more. Maybe that’s enough and I don’t need to know where this is …
Love the Mary Oliver poem too. Wonder what “oak” tastes like … The lake is largely pine at least on our side. I will swallow some when we’re up there next and see if I taste pine!
Julie Holmes
June 10, 2024Hi Beth,
Thank you!
I painted this one partly from memory, photographs and being outdoors. Working on tapping into memory, imagination and intuition these days.
Hmmm…wonder what “oak” tastes like too? ;-D
Keep me posted on your pine tasting.