Vessels, Views & Verse

Why Vessels, Views & Verse? Ooohh I have new and exciting show news and more to share with you today, gentle reader.
But first, in case you’re new, here’s more information. This blog is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, art history, shows, road trips and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! I choose a theme to guide my paintings each year.
This year’s theme is Vessels, Views and Vistas. If you need more color in your world, consider subscribing to this weekly blog. When you do, you will also receive a monthly newsletter called “Art In Real Life.” In it, I share news about artwork and art walks. Some I have seen IRL (in real life). Others are from around the world, maybe even near you!? If so, maybe you’ll go see and share what it’s like to see art in real life. Let’s get to this week’s view. OK?
What Vessels
In this week’s painting and post, I have to share my love of painting the organic shapes of vegetables. Such as? Such as the shape of a butternut squash. It’s got a curvy shape and a gorgeous, un-nameable color that just begs to be painted in oils.
So that’s vessel number one. The second vessel is a water pitcher by one of my favorite NC potters, Ronan Peterson. His work seeks out and finds the most amazing references to natural shapes and colors. Or, as he would call it, “growth and decay.”
The important point here is that when I broke a water pitcher earlier this year, I was delighted to see the luscious pitcher (in this week’s painting) available for sale on Ronan’s website. And, so its paired with a beautiful butternut squash.
Set up
Here’s a photo of the set up for this painting in a corner of my tiny but productive studio. Recall that I started working on this painting earlier in the year. I had to set it aside for awhile as I mourned the loss of a very dear friend. As the days have grown longer, sunnier, my interest in completing it grew.

The Finished Painting
Here’s the finished painting entitled, “The Squash and the Water Pitcher.” It’s 12×12 inches in oils on panel. And, oh la la I love how this one turned out!

Bonus to Vessels Views & Verse
As I finished this painting a friend and talented poet, Alison Hurwitz, said she would love to write a poem about this painting. So, here is her beautiful poem:
The Squash and the Water Pitcher
Heavy-hipped, the lip of one turns toward the other
as if listening. Bottom-heavy life sustainers, germinators,
earth and earthenware, rounded, glazed with hazy light.
Their shadows almost touch. What words might these two
vessels share, one formed from vine, the other, tendriled with it?
If you took a plot of land left vacant, dug down, prepared a place
to mix what they contain-if you were to plant the squash seed,
soak the earth, sing descant made of mud and seed and sun,
you might return months later, find a field twined green
and golden-dappled with squash blossoms. You might
even wonder what we all might grow together,
given willing hands and space and light,
and time enough to listen.
My oh my! Isn’t that a beautiful poem? And, guess what? My framed painting and her beautiful poem, also framed, are on view in a show starting May 1, 2024 till June 6, 2024. Here’s a glimpse of the frames (matching of course).

Each of these works of art are for sale. Ideally we would love them to sell together. But we mostly would love for you to come see them in person and hear Alison read her poem aloud. Details follow below.
More News
There are two other paintings on view in this show. Each is framed and paired with their own beautiful poem by Alison Hurwitz. If you are in the area, feel free to stop by and see the show. And, Alison and I will be hosting an artist meet and greet and poetry meeting too! Here are all the details:
Vessels, Views & Verse Art & Poetry Exhibit
UUFR Gallery
3313 Wade Ave
Raleigh, NC 27607
Now through June 6, 2024
Artist Meet & Greet and Poetry Reading
Same location as above
Sunday, June 2, 2024
11:15 a.m.
RSVP here to attend
We would love to see you!
Thank you
Lastly, thank you to everyone who replied to last week’s post. As it turned out, I was able to display all of the paintings and several more at last Sunday’s Forest Commons Spring Art Show. The whole event was a blast and I got to see both old friends and new. And, I’m happy to share that four paintings found new homes too.
How About You
How about you, gentle reader? What projects are you navigating these days? Perhaps you’re out and about in your garden? Or finishing up some other task that you want to share here? If so, please do! I would love to hear from you in the comments below.
Beth Dyer Clary
May 2, 2024Lovely! Both painting and poem. Alison’s poem had me thinking about things and seeing things in your painting I hadn’t considered. I guess the word “possibility” is what comes to mind that wasn’t there until after I read her poem and saw your larger photograph of your painting.
Good luck with this upcoming show!
Think I missed last week’s post. Will go look now. Four paintings sold – congrats!
Julie Holmes
May 3, 2024Hi Beth,
Thank you! I just love this painting’s pairing with Alison’s poem.
May 2, 2024Lovely painting, Julie! I really like how you rendered the butter squash. The colors and the shape – the stem, too! – are great, very accurate. I also like the light – and highlights – on the pitcher and how you created a sense of air around it. The poem also pairs really well with the painting. Congratulations on the show! I’m so excited for you! xxoo
Julie Holmes
May 3, 2024Hi Alexandra,
Thank you! And, I love that you noticed the “air” around the pitcher.
xxoo back at you