Mayhem, Memories and Miracles

What’s up with mayhem, memories and miracles? I can’t wait to share with you.
But first, in case you’re new, here’s more information. This blog is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, art history, shows, road trips and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! I choose a theme to guide my paintings each year.
This year’s theme is Vessels, Views and Vistas. If you need more color in your world, consider subscribing to this weekly blog. When you do, you will also receive a monthly newsletter called “Art In Real Life.” In it, I share news about artwork and art walks. Some I have seen IRL (in real life). Others are from around the world, maybe even near you!? If so, maybe you’ll go see and share what it’s like to see art in real life. Let’s get to this week’s view. OK?
Why Mayhem
At the very (very, very, very) last minute, we decided to hit the road and head towards the path of totality for the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. Why did we wait till the v v v v last minute? Mostly, weather. We initially had planned to go to Texas. Then Arkansas. But the closer we got to the event, the more “iffy” the weather looked. So why mayhem? It’s always mayhem packing up and heading outta town. I realize it does not matter if the trip is planned weeks ahead of time or at the last minute. It’s always exciting, nerve-wracking and, well, mayhem!
Hello HipCamp
Earlier in March, we camped at Merchant Millpond State Park. It was a short weekend trip with our super fab neighbors whose camper inspired us to get ours. (TY Roy and Ann). While visiting the nature center there we met a couple who told us about It’s kind of like an Airbnb for land owners. Bonus: Hipcamp’s website had amazing listings of land camping options all along the solar eclipse’s path of the totality. Woohoo!
So when the stars aligned and we decided to head out on Saturday, we picked the “closest” destination from us here in Raleigh, NC. That spot? A farm hosted by Tina and Rod in Carthage Indiana. So, wheels up on Saturday, April 6. We found a delightful layover spot in Morrisvale, WV for that evening. (Thank you Vincent!). And by 9 a.m. Sunday, we were on our way to Carthage. The only downside? No showers or potable water or toilets onsite. BYOTP (Bring your own … well you get it). Let’s get to the painting, shall we?
Set up aka Miracle #1

See that sky above? This is from about noon on April 8th (the day of the eclipse). I kid you not; the day before, we were socked in with clouds. The day after? Same.
Here’s the second painting I finished that morning. The sky had this unusual “gold” feeling too it. All I knew was every where I looked, could have warranted a painting. The fields were green, gold and purple-ish. The skies were huge and streaked with dreamy clouds. It was a plein air painter’s paradise. Here’s the painting. It’s 6×12 inches painted in oils on panel.

People: Miracle #2
We met some of the coolest, whackiest people at our campsite on Tina and Rod’s farm. Meaning? Our immediate neighbors hailed from Minnesota. She’s a creative director/writer in advertising. He’s a history high school teacher.
Their neighbors? 2 generations of parents with a beautiful little 9-month old baby girl named “Isla.” He had a super cool telescope from the library and vast knowledge about the sun. He shared both with us and everyone around us. The extended family in the middle of the farm? They travelled with…everything. Such as? Well, they had two tents, a handicapped port-a-john, a huge avocado-colored fridge from 1995 and a generator to keep it all going. They offered vegetable stew to all 78 people at the farm for the event. How generous and cool is that?
And, ya ok, there were a few shenanigans at the campsite. The generator? It ran – all night long. But guess who travels with ear plugs, baby? One of the fabulous families? They thought we were prime targets for a bit of evangelizing. Talk about colorful, eh? Didn’t I say mayhem, memories and miracles? HA HA!
And yet, the experience of the eclipse somehow managed to unite us all.
Here’s a crazy cool video that David set up with the light on us as we watched the eclipse. Heads up!!! If you have little ears nearby while you listen to this, there’s some profanity at about 1 minute and 40 seconds in (thanks for that Chuck!!! It still cracks me up!) Here’s the videoooo. And, for fun, here are some pictures from the video capturing the changing light.

But Wait There’s More
As we headed back towards North Carolina, we were so lucky to connect with dear friends who now live in Cincinnati. We met them at the National Museum of the US Airforce. I was excited to go because my dear old dad was a pilot of a Mitchell B-25 in WWII. There is an exact replica of this plane in the museum. Whoa! It’s huge.
There are also so many other incredible air machines there. Such as? Well, there’s the Airforce One plane that flew JFK back to DC after he had been shot in Dallas. There are fighter jets. There are huge rockets. It’s an amazing place to visit!
Thank goodness we found a campground with showers before we met up with our pals and toured the museum. Ha! Here we are just before wheels up back to our campsite in West Virginina.

Another Miracle
When we arrived back in Raleigh, blooms and leaves were everywhere around our house. And, our resident blue bird family who I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, is busy tending to their 6 little ones. Even though this happens every spring, it still feels like magic and a miracle to me. Here’s a pic!

Is this a Painting Blog
The longer I write this blog, the more I realize it’s a combination: personal journal and painting adventures. So, if you are still reading here, thank you thank you thank you!
I do have several, exciting painting show announcements to share. First, this Friday, April 19, 2024, I will be at a reception from 5:00pm to 9:00pm at the Diamante Arts & Cultural Center. (DA&CC is the longest standing Latino Hispanic Arts and Culture organization in North Carolina).
DA&CC is having a Bara Bara Community Art Exhibition at 5104 Western Blvd Raleigh, NC 27606. Three of my lovingly painted and framed landscape paintings of favorite places and parks in downtown Raleigh will be on display. Please stop by. David will be joining me too.
Second, I’ll have several paintings on view, with 19 other artists, at the Brown House Gallery 1310 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC 27605. When? This is a 1-day event. So mark your calendars for Sunday, April 28th from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Refreshments will be provided. And, friendly artists, including me, will be there to greet you, too.
And You
How about you gentle reader? I’m sure you have your very own mayhem, memories and miracles happening, too. I would love it if you shared them in the comments. Take care and thank you for joining me on this creative journey.
Beth Dyer Clary
April 18, 2024Very fun post, Julie! I love the video – gives me a slighter greater sense of experiencing totality.
So glad the trip worked out so well in every way.
The painting in the post is altogether different from others you’ve posted. So earthy in ton and one demanded my eyes linger and wander and linger and wander. A true meditative piece for me.
Good luck with all your shows! Very exciting. I’m sad not to live closer.
Julie Holmes
April 18, 2024Hi Beth, Ha! Glad you got to see the videooo. It still makes me smile.
TY for looking and lingering at the painting. That means alot.
Wishing you lived closer too! xoxoxo
April 19, 2024Loved your post, Julie! It was wonderful reading about all of your adventures and the people you met during your eclipse viewing trip. I also watched the video – very, very cool!
How meaningful too to see an exact replica of the plane your father flew. And then those blue bird chicks when you came home!
Lovely painting, too; you captured that gold you described really well – the picture has a dreamy quality to it. xxoo
Julie Holmes
April 24, 2024Hi Alexandra,
Great to hear from youuuuu. Thank you so much! We are still feeling so lucky to have gotten such a clear view of the eclipse.
And, I love that you see a dreamy quality to the painting. Yay!!! xoxox back at ya!