In My Mind

What’s In My Mind? Oh I can’t wait to share with you today. But first, in case you’re new to this virtual space, here’s a bit more information about it. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, art history, and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! I choose a theme to guide my paintings each year. This year’s theme is Vessels, Views and Vistas. If you think your 2024 needs more color, consider subscribing to this blog. When you do, you will also receive a monthly newsletter called “Art In Real Life.” In it, I will share news about artwork and art walks that I have seen IRL (in real life). I hope you’ll subscribe here. Let’s get to this week’s view. OK?
Current Conditions
Typically, I like to think of myself as an outdoorsy person. But, lately the weather has been a bit nippy for more than the necessary dog walks. Why does that matter? It means I skip painting outdoors and set up still life painting objects indoors in the studio.
There’s something so comforting about working away in my small but warm studio. And, even though I think 17F outdoors is cold, I realize this is nothing compared to what you may have been experiencing this past week.
The Set Up

Here’s the painting and objects I used for the still life. I can’t wait to share why I chose each one of them.
As I See It
Initially I had a plan to paint rocks and sticks. You know, sticks and stones. Why? No reason other than we had an abundance of sticks in our yard from recent storms. I figure, if I can’t paint trees and be outdoors right now, I can at least paint branches. Right? I love painting them. They each have their own personality.
The rocks? They are gifts. Yup. When David and I walk on the beach or in the woods, he finds unusual objects. The next thing I know, he’s placing said object in my hand. Both of the rocks in this painting had a distinctive white stripe, almost like a belt, around their mid-section.
I tried all kinds of sketches, configurations, a little shiny metal container. But nothing felt right. All I know is if I’m going to paint something, I have got to love luv luv luv it. I also study other people’s paintings. More on that in another post.
Use What’s Nearby
I have some nifty pottery here in the house. And, I added a beautiful warm red Ben Owen vase into the set up. Now we’re talking! I did a quick value study that I”ll share with you here.

Something’s Missing
As I worked on other paintings, walked the dog, cooked dinner and day dreamed, I knew there was something missing. Thank goodness for time and attention. On one of my daily dog walks, I picked up a holly branch on the ground. Voila! I had found the missing piece of the painting puzzle. The little berry and leaves landed in the lower right hand corner of the painting.
In My Mind Painting
Without even realizing it, I have painted a still life with a vessel, rocks and branches all from North Carolina. The branch in the vase is from the tulip tree in our neighbor’s backyard. The holly branch is from the bush in our front yard.
Cue up James Taylor singing “Carolina In My Mind,” right?
Here’s the painting! I love it. The objects, the feeling I had as I worked on it. And, I’m experimenting with paint handling here too. It’s not for sale yet but it will be. Stay tuned.

How About You
What’s in or on your mind, gentle reader? I would love to know. Please share in the comments below. And, thank you for reading here today.
Patricia Reid
January 18, 2024Absolutely love this latest painting and reading about your process. Again you are amazing 💜
Julie Holmes
January 18, 2024Hi Pat, Thank you so much. You are amazing toooo. TY for you and xoxo
Leigh Deneef
January 18, 2024Julie,
I hope that you know despite my responses that I’m thoroughly enjoying your thoughts while painting !
Julie Holmes
January 18, 2024Hi Leigh!!!
So wonderful to hear from you here. TY for reading and taking to comment too. Hugs to you and Barbara ;-D
Beth Clary
January 18, 2024This is one of those post that makes your painting come to even greater life for me. It’s absolutely luscious right there on its own. But the things from dog walking and gifts of belted stones make it even more wonderful to me!
Julie Holmes
January 18, 2024Hiya Beth,
Thank youuuu! As a creative person yourself, I wonder if you, like me, are amazed at the randomness of how things unfold and get created. Never ceases to amaze me. TY so much as always for reading and commenting here! sending lots o love your way xoxo
Kristina Philipson
January 18, 2024Julie,
This painting is wonderful! I love the combination of colors and the way you used texture with paint (or paint with texturing technique?). Thanks for providing these weekly visual treats!
Julie Holmes
January 19, 2024Hi Kristinaaaa,
Thank youuu! Ha! The texture is something I am drawn to in other paintings I have observed. In this one, I wanted some of the texture to function as a visual cue. For instance the edge of the table in the front middle. Others, less so.
TY for reading and commenting! xoxo
Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist Carolina Creations - Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist
January 24, 2024[…] week’s painting! It’s the second of a series. I shared the first one, called “In My Mind,” last week. It’s 5×5 inches painted in oil on panel. And, none of these sa-weet […]