Accommodating Tree

What is an “Accommodating Tree” you might ask? I look forward to sharing with you today. But! Just in case you’re new to this virtual space, here’s a bit more information about this blog. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, occasional infuences from art history, and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! I choose a theme to guide my paintings each year. Since this is my first post of the year, I am excited to share a new theme with you. If you think your 2024 needs more color, consider subscribing to this blog. You can subscribe here. Let’s get to that tree. OK?
What’s an Accommodating Tree
For a few days this past week, we skeedaddled to Huntington Beach State Park near Murrell’s Inlet, South Carolina. This vast and gorgeous beach and state park are a short drive from our place here in Raleigh. The catch? Campsites fill up fast. So, by the time we decided to go, there was only one campsite left. And, of course, reserving the last available campsite has it’s issues.
First, our car and little camper were parked in a spot where three roads in the campground merge. The downside? This location means we got to see a bit more traffic than other spots. But guess what traffic means? Every single vehicle moves at or below 10 miles per hour. And, with good reason.
Why? There are kids and grownups zipping by on bikes, little scooters and golf carts. And, there are all kinds of dogs too. Thanks to the ever present signs of “beware of alligators here,” people are super vigilant about keeping their fidos in eyesight and on leash.
Here’s a photo of our campsite.

Check Out that Tree
Our site and the entire campground and beach are covered in Live Oak Trees. They are so hardy, lush and evergreen. As I scoped out painting views, I was glad to see a “neighbor camper” leave their site. Woot! I set up and started to paint the tree in this painting.
As luck would have it, a new camper arrived. Meaning? Meaning I had to move my painting gear a short while after I had started the painting. But! I had just enough time to marvel at the number of cut spots on our campsite’s tree. Can you see them?
Holy Smokes! It made me realize how accommodating this tree had to be to continue to “live” on our campsite.
To Be Or Not
I thought about whether I would be as accommodating as this tree? Ah, no. In fact, I think being accommodating can get in the way of the creative process. But, don’t just take my word for it. I’m reading a fantastic book about the creative act. Have you read Rick Rubin’s “The Creative Act?” Oh la la it is jam packed with ideas and gems. In fact, I may actually buy my own copy after I return the current one to the local library.
I digress and realize this is a blog about paintings and color not books. So, I’ll let you decide if you want to add Rubin’s book to your 2024 reading list.
So, here’s the painting I started. Another realization I had, I’m not quite ready to call this painting finished. Yes, Rubin writes about that in his book, too. Even so, I will share it here as a work in progress.

2024 Theme
This year’s theme is “Vessels, Views and Vistas.” I’m so excited to pursue the three “Vs” in my painting practice this year. And, yes, trees are vessels. Even accommodating trees are vessels. I also have some dreams and schemes to share about artists who tackle the three “V’s,” beautifully, in their work. I will save them for another post.
How About You
What are you scheming and dreaming about gentle reader? Are you considering new approaches or endeavors in this new year? If so, I would love it if you shared them in the comments below. For now, here’s a picture of my better half, me and our pup on New Year’s Day. Best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful New Year.

Beth Dyer Clary
January 4, 2024Happened to be checking out something online when I saw the notice of your post! I love the painting! It is up close and personal in a way I don’t believe you’ve done much before now, yes? The “Three V’s” is a fun theme for the year as well. Seems to hold lots of options within it too. Flexibility is ALWAYS a good thing!
I started an email to you to thank you for the tip on the Huberman Lab conversation between Huberman and Rick Rubin. Very interesting. Quirky guys but interesting. So much so that when I was returning a couple of books to the library I checked to see if Rubin’s book was available. It was! So I have it and hope to start it this weekend when I finish up with another book! So THANKS!
Two little points: Tai Chi Barb thinks Huberman is fasciating. She references his podcast often when he addresses things of the body. And Meg thinks I am now obsessed with Rubin because I talked about him so much. HA!
Julie Holmes
January 4, 2024Yay Beth!
Here’s to a creative and Tai Chi-filled year ahead. Eh? xoxo
Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist Evergreen View - Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist
January 10, 2024[…] last week’s post, I shared that we went camping at a beautiful campsite in Murrell’s Inlet, South Carolina; […]