Devotion and Gratitude

It’s time to share some devotion and gratitude this week. But, before I elaborate, here’s information about this blog. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, occasional infuences from art history, studio sales and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! I choose a theme to guide my paintings each year. To read about this year’s painting theme, check the description in this link here. To subscribe and get a weekly dose of color for yourself, subscribe here. Ready for more about Devotion and Gratitude? OK! Here goes!
What’s All this About Devotion
We live in a world of speedy, faster than fast and ‘get it done’ culture. And, don’t get me wrong, I see the need for ‘get it done’ here in the studio sometimes. When? Mostly when it comes to the “drudge” work. Such as? Oh, you know, cleaning brushes, tidying up my palette, vacuuming. The sooner I get these tasks done, the better!
But, devotion? To me, just thinking about this word makes me slooowwww down. Personally, I couldn’t have fathomed learning a new, challenging craft such as oil painting without it. Especially as I reflect upon the quiet personal decision I made in 2014 to devote as much time and effort to this endeavor as I could. The result?
New Companion
During my home studio sale in Raleigh, this past weekend, I told a few people that painting is my companion. Painting accompanied me through the dreadful pandemic. And, just like most relationships, we, painting and I, have certainly had our ups and downs. Meaning? Painting is my pal and my tormentor all built into one ever challenging bundle.
Since I paint most of my paintings from “life” meaning I either head outdoors or set up the ‘thing’ I’m painting in my studio, painting has helped me see nature. And, to me, the only truth out there is nature. So I’m really really really grateful that painting has helped me see nature more clearly. Now, here’s where gratitude kicks in!
Studio Sale Gratitude
Shazam I am so grateful for every single person who took the time to visit me during this past weekend’s studio sale. It was delightful to see people eye-to-eye in my small but cozy space. And, it was such a thrill to see so many people decide to buy my paintings. Here’s a gallery of many of the paintings that have fledged the studio!

Favorite Way
My absolutely favorite way to celebrate gratitude is Thanksgiving Holiday! I will toast each and every one of you who stopped by this past weekend on that day next week. How about you gentle reader? Do you enjoy this season of Thanksgiving? Do share your thoughts on gratitude, devotion, Thanksgiving and all this season has to offer in the comments below. I will be grateful when you do!
Beth Dyer Clary
November 16, 2023Huh. I never heard you talk about painting as your companion. I love that notion. May try it on myself with my creative projects. Gratitude for that!
Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday. The celebration has taken all sorts of forms. This year is leaning toward smaller and quieter which is fine by me.
Congratulations on a studio show of two days that was so wonderful and successful.
Julie Holmes
November 16, 2023Hi Beth,
I never really thought about painting being a companion till I wrote this blog post. Glad you might try it too.
TY for the congrats!
Have a fantastic Thanksgiving; my favorite holiday toooooo!
Sara Richard
November 18, 2023Hi Julie
I certainly relate to your comment on get it done as I have been feeling overwhelmed and trying to slow things down and be in the moment. Glad to hear you had a great studio sale, there was some lovely paintings sold. And as a Canadian, I have to make a plug that Thanksgiving in October is lovely with the fall colours and all the fresh local food from the harvests. 😊
Julie Holmes
November 19, 2023Hi Sara,
So wonderful to hear from you!
TY for taking time to look at studio sale paintings. It was a fun experience.
We’re having October weather here. So even though our Thanksgiving is in November, we’re experiencing beautiful, crisp fall air. Perfect for Thanksgiving…even if it’s later than yours. Take care and stay in touch! xoxo