If Rocks Could Talk

If rocks could talk, what would they be saying? I will share more in a minute. But first, this is Virtual Post Card #5 from our Road Trip North 2023, gentle reader! And, I promise to share more about talking rocks, and the coast of Maine, here today. But first, here is information about this blog. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, road trip musings, and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! I choose a theme to guide my paintings each year. To read about this year’s painting theme, check the description in this link here. To subscribe and get a weekly dose of color for yourself, subscribe here. Ready for more about this week’s view? OK! Here goes!
See the Set Up
We are back in Maine after spending nearly two weeks in Canada. Here’s last week’s post if you care to catch a look at some of that adventure! And, here’s the Maine view I had last Friday morning. Gah! Check out the fog!

I was super excited to see if I could capture the view and, especially, that big huge rock to the left of the misty trees. (Said rock is smack dab in the middle of the photograph above. See it?)
While I did some quick compositional sketches, and mixed up paints with my palette knife, my paddling spouse, David, and our buddy, kayaking Kathy, ventured out into Flanders Bay for the day. I confess I am a hardcore worrier. So I was really glad to have a challenging view to paint. That way I would do my best to focus on the painting and not worry about the intrepid kayakers paddling in the fog. Gah!!!
Can Rocks Talk
I am pretty sure if rocks could talk, they would tell us all what we already know? That is, take your time, enjoy the view, breathe and expect the unexpected. Shazam, the latter (expect the unexpected) is exactly what happened as I painted.
One minute, I was working in a delicious veil of fog. And, then, the next minute? The fog had nearly completely cleared. Here’s what the air and rocks looked like at the end of this wonderful painting experience. It’s a 6×12 inch oil painting on panel. If you have to have this in your collection (yay!), please contact me here. It’s for sale for $197 + $14.28 tax + $25 shipping = $236.28. We will be on the road for a few more weeks. But I promise to varnish and pack it up for you as soon as we return!

Stone Secrets to Share
I guess the biggest memory I have from this painting and these ever present rocks, is that change happens in the blink of an eye. So even though these rocks seem to stand still, time is always moving along. Right?
What About the Paddlers
The paddlers had an amazing day. They skimmed across the ocean for at least 5 hours. We all had wonderful tales of sights, sounds and smells to share around the campfire that evening. Er…even though we never end up building a campfire.
How About You
It’s always so great to hear from you, too, gentle reader? What secrets do you think stones could offer if they talked? Please do share in the comments below and thank you so much for reading here today!
Beth Dyer Clary
September 14, 2023This is a wonderful painting, Julie! I like the rustic wood “frame.” It adds to the experience of the painting for me.
Your comment about change and paying attention because EVERYTHING changes reminds me of a great quote I learned this week from poet/writer/long-time practicing Buddhist, Jane Hirshfield. She was asked to capture Buddhism in 7 words. (!?!) Here’s what she said:
“Everything changes; everything is connected; pay attention.”
Got a love that and perhaps it’s YOUR mantra for your painting … at least a little!
Julie Holmes
September 20, 2023Hi Beth,
Hooray! Glad you enjoyed this painting. I loved the “rustic wood frame” (aka the top of the picnic table at our campsite) as a frame for it.
Thank you for sharing such a lovely short and crisp quote about change from Jane Hirshfield. Sure do love it! xoxo
September 14, 2023Splendid painting, Julie! You captured the colors, depth, and varying heights really well. It makes me feel like I could roll down the hill into the water. Your philosophy today was right on time. I’ve been thinking about change a lot lately as (I try to let) life’s surprises wash over me. Enjoy your continuing adventures! xxoo
Julie Holmes
September 20, 2023Hi Alexandra,
Thank you so much! This painting definitely flowed with little effort (except for the 10+ years of other paintings before it, eh?)
Here’s hoping your changes aren’t too difficult? I look forward to catching up with you when we return soon. xoxo
Sara Richard
September 17, 2023Gorgeous painting Julie, you really captured the mood of a grey foggy coast day along the Gulf of Maine. So true what you say that change happens in a blink of an eye. Enjoy the beautiful views!
Julie Holmes
September 20, 2023Hi Sara, Thank you so much! It’s so wonderful to “hear” from you here. Take care