Closer to Fine

Closer to Fine is Virtual Postcard #3 from our Road Trip North 2023. Before I share more including the reason for choosing “closer to fine,” here is information about this blog. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, road trip musings, and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! I choose a theme to guide my paintings each year. To read about this year’s painting theme, check the description in this link here. To subscribe and get a weekly dose of color for yourself, subscribe here. Ready for more about this week’s view? OK! Here goes!
Why Get Closer to Fine
Well, not to be a smart aleck (or OK maybe to be a smart aleck), why the heck not? And, since I’m a literal kinda woman, we heard this fabulous song by the Indigo girls as we cruised up the coast of Maine this week. Each day we have been on this trip, the vistas of the ocean, the sounds of bird calls and the sights along the way, continue to amaze and enthrall us.
Here’s this week’s painting which is 6×12 inches and painted in oils on fine linen panel. Yes, it’s for sale for $197 + taxes + shipping = $236. But we’re away for another month or so. Meaning? Meaning I can’t ship it or get it to you till early October. If you’re thinking this painting belongs to you, be the first person to contact me here. I’ll send it to you after I varnish it and carefully package it up in October.

Mighty Maine
There is something about the coast of Maine that makes me feel as if I’m connected to the earth. And, no I haven’t been smoking hash or drinking too much vino. In fact, we have completely forgotten to bring along vino this trip.
But Maine? It’s a rugged and beautiful place. Everything about it’s coast, skies and smells make me feel centered and connected. Our favorite campsite, so far, is Acadia Seashore Camping and Cabins. One of the reasons I love it is this view is a short 5-minute walk from our campsite.
So while I painted en plein air (outdoors), David paddled out in Flanders Bay. The Bay was blissfully calm. He paddled 10 miles or so to surprise some pals who have a place in Sorrento. Thank you for saying ‘hello’ to my crazy, kayaking spouse, Chip and Molly!
Here’s a picture of him taking off!

But Wait There’s More
As I write this, we are in Canada! We have had so many adventures with weather and people since our arrival here on Saturday, August 26, gentle reader. But I will save the stories and shenanigans from Canada for next week’s post.
But just to whet your appetite for more. Tee hee! I’m almost ready to say, “Step aside, Maine, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia is my new “closer to fine” place.
How About You
How about you, gentle reader? When you think “closer to fine,” what place or experience or image, pops into your mind? I sure hope you will share it in the comments below. Thank you as always for reading and sharing here. Stay tuned for more visual postcards from Road Trip North 2023.
Denise Todloski
August 31, 2023Nice painting, nice travel sentiments, and tips! Lovely photos always! Thanks for looking out for all of us and sharing your adventures!
Julie Holmes
September 5, 2023Hiya Denise! Woot – thank you for reading and joining in on the adventures. Sending lots o love your way
Jeannette Rogers
August 31, 2023Beautiful painting! It really takes you there. And your stories of your trip do as well. Thanks!
Julie Holmes
September 5, 2023Hiya Jeannette, Woohoo! Thank youuu! I miss seeing you in person but am so glad to ‘see’ you here. xoxo
Beth Clary
September 1, 2023Lovely painting, Julie! And how can a person not love that song for itself and then it’s role in “Barbie.” 🙂
Julie Holmes
September 5, 2023Hi Beth, Thank youuu! Forgot that the song was in Barbie! Woot can’t wait to see you IRL soon!!! xoxo
September 1, 2023Wonderful painting, Julie! I especially like the muted colors and where you chose to crop the view. It works so well. We were actually in Acadia many moons ago and remember feeling awed by what I saw. Isn’t there a fjord there, too? xoxo
Julie Holmes
September 5, 2023Hi Alexandra, Thank youuu! We stayed at a campground right near Acadia but didn’t go there this time. So, there may be a fjord there but we didn’t see it. So glad this evoked memories for you. Sending lots o love your way! xoxo