Near Pullen

What the heck does Near Pullen mean? Stay tuned, gentle reader! But first, here are some quick facts about this blog. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, inspiration, gallery openings, plus an occasional dose of art history. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! I choose a theme to guide my paintings each year. To read about this year’s painting theme, check the description in this link here. To subscribe and get a weekly dose of color for yourself, subscribe here. Ready for the inside scoop on “Near Pullen?” OK!
Where is Pullen
So Pullen Park is located near downtown Raleigh and offers all kinds of amenities including a carousel, choo-choo train, paddle boats and more. It’s a wonderful place and Best Dog Ever (BDE) and I have been known to walk there during our morning walks.
But! Across the railroad tracks, there’s a nifty and small chunk of land that (I think?) is still part of the park. Within that little slice of the park is green space where the city has actually planted a bunch of new trees. How cool is that?
And, the new trees (think there are 13 of them), get to cozy up to the tree that has been there for ages. And, that’s the tree in this painting. Check it out here. The painting is teeny tiny, only 2×2 inches. And, it’s matted and framed too.

The tree, in real life, is medium sized and covered in woodpecker holes. But it’s thriving. It reminds me of a faerie tree I saw when I visited Ireland years ago. I love that this tree is nearby and that it’s in a bit of a hidden spot in downtown Raleigh. And, I love that it has some new tree buddies now too.
In Person
Trust me when I say there’s nothing like seeing a painting in person! And, this painting, along with ten others will be on display at the Cafe Gallery at NOFO at the Pig located at 2014 Fairview Road Raleigh, NC 27608. I would love it if you came to see it in person between now and August 6, 2023.
BONUS! I’ll be at an Artist Meet and Greet at NOFO this Saturday, August 8, 2023 from 10:30 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. I would love to see you in person! While there, I will encourage you to sign up with your name and email address for a chance to win a print of one of my paintings! I will draw a lucky winner from the entrees on Saturday at 1:45 p.m. You must be present to win.

That’s the Latest
That’s the latest here, gentle reader! How about you? What’s nearby that you enjoy in your world? I would love to hear. Please share in the comments below and thank you for reading today.
Beth Dyer Clary
July 6, 2023WISH i could be there in a couple of days! Hope it is a grand success, whatever that means and you have fun. Love this little tree. Such a lot of different green plants which is what we forget to notice sometimes, or at least I do. Worlds of green! Thanks for that reminder to see them all.
Julie Holmes
July 6, 2023Hi Beth!
Shazam it would be fab if you could be here. I know you’ll be there in spirit! Success will be every single person who shows up in person. I’m so excited to see people and to have them see this show in person.
I love what you write here about seeing all the different greens and green plants. And, yes, we do (still) have worlds of green…thankfully!
Lots o love and hugs to you xoxo