Amazing Living Woman Artist #6

Today I am sharing amazing living woman artist #6. If you’re new here, welcome! Now through May 15, I’m writing about the who, what and why of some living women artists. Why? Well thank you for asking! A couple of weeks ago, I asked if you, gentle reader might be interested in this. And the answer in the comments was a resounding ‘yes!‘ Also, I am going to be away doing research on all things art and painting for awhile. So, I hope these posts about amazing living women artists will sustain you while I take a break from posting my paintings on Thursdays until mid-May.
Landscape or Ground Rules
Just to set the ground rules so you understand the landscape and road ahead, here are some details. I don’t personally know any of these artists. If I have met them in person, I may share that. But what’s more important to me is that these are working, contemporary artists, whose work I admire and who you may not have heard of.
The scope will be short and sweet. This means I hope to share one or two images of the artist’s work and, if you’re interested, how you learn more about them. That’s it! The plan is to share these amazing living women artists’ and their work, once a week from now till mid-May. Are you excited to ‘meet’ this week’s artist? Me too! Here she is.
Meet Trisha Adams
I “met” Ms Adams when she was interviewed on a nifty and informative podcast called “Creative Contemplation.” I loved hearing Ms Adams talk about her artistic journey! And, rather than use words first, I will share examples of her work here. That way, you can react to her work. OK?

Ooooh La La
Here’s another example of a painter who seems to love oil paint as a medium. Check out the simple shapes describing the tree in the second painting. And, how about those juicy but crisp and colorful lily pads in the first painting. I could stare at each of these paintings for hours. And, I haven’t even seen either of them in person.
How to Learn More
To follow Trish Adams on her painting journey, check out and consider following her on Instagram here. And, I would love it if you shared your thoughts about her paintings in the comments below.
Wrapping It Up
Here we are at the end of this series about six different amazing living women artists. And, while we’re here, what did you think about each of the artists in this series? Did you have a favorite? Or perhaps did you notice any common threads amongst these artists worth noting? I’m going to let these questions percolate for awhile before I respond. After all, this year’s theme is “Time and Attention,” right? So I’m curious to hear from you! Thank you.
Beth Dyer Clary
May 5, 2023Can’t choose one but AM very happy to know about “Creative Contemplations.” Not sure when I’ll jam it in but I will find the time because it seems to be chockfull of interesting people and artists.
Thanks for all this look at different wonderful creative artists!
Beth Dyer Clary
May 5, 2023Can’t choose one but AM very happy to know about “Creative Contemplations.” Not sure when I’ll jam it in but I will find the time because it seems to be chockfull of interesting people and artists.
Thanks for all this look at different wonderful creative artists!
Julie Holmes
May 5, 2023Hi Beth, Glad to share the podcast here. The host is also a wonderful painter whose work I’ll share in the future. Not sure if you can listen to podcasts while doing other things? I can’t. Kind of a one trick pony here. But having a few different creative podcasts lined up is always fun when time and space allows. xoxo
Barb keyworth
May 5, 2023I love the colors in these
Julie Holmes
May 10, 2023Hi Barb, Aren’t her colors fantastic!!! Enjoy and thank you for commenting here. xoxo
Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist Out of the Woods - Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist
May 10, 2023[…] In the meantime, I feel as if I owe you a bit of a wrap up of the “Amazing Women Artist” series I posted while I was away. Fact is, I’m still pondering, looking and thinking about each of these artists and exactly what it is that draws me in to their work. If you want to binge read and review this series, here are the six women I chose to cover: Precious Lovell, Kelly Micca, Ajay Gustafson, Claudia Rilling, Catherine Kehoe, and Trisha Adams. […]