Go Outside

I really want to name this painting “Go Outside EIIYOBY” which is short for “Go Outside Even If It’s Your Own Back Yard!” Kinda bossy, aren’t I? But these early days of spring are just the best. I’ll share more shortly. But if this is your first or millionth visit here to this blog, hiya, hello and a warm welcome! To read about this year’s painting theme, check the description in this link here. To subscribe and get a weekly dose of color and blog posts with bossy headlines (ha!), subscribe here. Let’s get to going outside, shall we?
The Forecast
This week’s forecast including wicked cold nights (for me 29F is cold) and sub 50F days with clouds and/or rain in the forecast. None of this type of weather makes me want to run outside to paint. But I’m getting wise to these wheenie forecasts. They’re mostly wrong? Except for the cold evenings.
So as I covered my new (last fall new) native plants to help them make it through the nights, I dreamed of ways I could paint outdoors. Last Friday, I started a painting at Oakwood cemetery in downtown Raleigh. It was supposed to rain but all it did was get overcast and warm. Then Monday I painted indoors. Tuesday I painted outdoors but alas, it was a scraper. Wednesday was a smidge cooler than I like (50F) but I had this week’s painting waiting in the wings to finish.
The Setting
Luckily, all I need to do is open my studio door, set up and get painting. Even though it was cool and rain was in the forecast again, I got in a good chunk of time at the easel. Can’t really say what the best part of this session was. It’s a combination of being outdoors, hearing bird calls, looking at the painting in front of me and evaluating what’s gotta change and what can stay the same.
The decision making process was a bit wobbly at first. But then I remembered my being inspired by a painter I have discovered just recently. She inspired me to think about communicating what I am feeling as I paint. Ahhhh! That’s when the painting zone kicked in. I’m excited to share more about her in an upcoming newsletter. So sign up here if you haven’t already done so.
The Sounds
It helps that I heard the elusive Baltimore Oriole and it’s mate too as I painted. Goodness! Not only did I hear the Baltimore Orioles cooing back and forth, according to the Merlin app, I was being serenaded by the Brown Thrasher, Eastern Towhee, Red-winged Blackbird, Carolina Wren, Northern Cardinal, American Robin, Eastern Phoebe, White-throated Sparrow, Blue Jay, Carolina Chickadee and Mourning Dove. Oh my! They all contributed to this painting’s lovely vibe.
Here it is! Yes it’s for sale for $197 + $25 shipping + $14.28 tax = $236.28. Just PayPal.me here and it’s yours. Yay!

Heeding the Bird’s Calls?
How about you gentle reader? Are you able to get outside at all these days? If so, what is it like outside where you are? Are you hearing any interesting or unexpected sounds? Perhaps you’re seeing some signs of the season? If so, please share in the comments below. And, thank you for reading and looking with me here today.
March 23, 2023Beautiful brushwork and depth, and you captured the colors so well! Yes, I love getting outside, too! Really any day of the year even if it’s for a little while. I can’t stand an entire day spent indoors. There’s really nothing in particular that I can pick out that I like about being outside; it’s the totality of the experience. 🙂
Julie Holmes
March 29, 2023Hi Alexandra,
Woot! TY for seeing the depth. It took a few layers to make that happen. But that’s the beauty of oil painting, right?
Yay – I’m glad you’re on team ‘outside’ too!
Thank you for reading and your thoughtful comments here today.
Beth Clary
March 26, 2023Lovely post AND painting, Julie. It’s the shades of blue that capture my attention and then the combination of serenity and mystery in what you painted. Just lovely!
Julie Holmes
March 29, 2023Hi Beth,
Thank you so much. I love to hear what you are seeing here.
I always appreciate that you read and comment….means so much to me!