I Hear You

I hear you little bird! Yes I do. How can I suggest you in this painting? But first, here’s a warm welcome to you gentle reader. And, whether you’re brand new or a long time loyal reader, I’m delighted you are here. To find out more about the focus of this post and blog, you can read more here. To sign up to receive these posts every week, you can sign up here. Ready for this week’s topic? OK!
Do You Hear It
Here goes. For the past five days I have had several beautiful, surprise visitors. They appear out of nowhere. Some are here in our yard. Others show up on my daily, sometimes long and meandering morning walks with BDE (best dog ever). I would never be able to identify these visitors were it not for Merlin Bird ID. I love the way this free bird identification app lets me hear bird calls and then identifies them.
As I wander, it’s thrilling to see the different birds cue up on the list within the app. During Saturday morning’s wander, I heard the distinctive call of the Cooper’s Hawk. Then I heard another one. Luckily, I looked up and there in the trees above me were two hawks. Given that it’s late in February, aka perfect bird nest building season, I assumed they were settling in and perhaps nest building. And, what a brilliant location for a Cooper’s Hawk family: the beautiful gardens of the Governor’s Mansion. Guess what? The current Governor’s name is Cooper, too. But not so fast!
Another Call
Tuesday morning, I’m walking through Edna Metz Wells Park and who do I hear? You guessed it: one of the Cooper’s Hawks. Merlin app corroborated this. But the hawk perched on a bare oak tree branch. And, there was nesting material nearby!!! Yayyy! Could it be that the Coopers’ are building nearby? Who knows. Stay tuned!
Yet More Calls
Just in the past week, I have been hearing so many delightful little birds. By far, the sweetest and most endearing sound (to me anyway) is the call of the beautiful, radiant orange and buffy black Baltimore Oriole. Oh my oh my! So as I worked on paintings outdoors this week I kept thinking about that fantastic little bird.
Confession I have not seen it. Somehow I have not figured out how to hold paint brushes and binoculars at the same time. But as I painted this morning, I could hear it and so could Merlin app. So I decided to add a little Baltimore Oriole “suggestion” to this week’s painting. It’s entitled “I Hear You.”
Painting Details
I am pretty sure I started this painting last summer. It’s a variation of the dogwood tree in our backyard. Currently, that little tree has no leaves. But the magnolia trees and nearby evergreen trees offer plenty of ideas. Here’s a photo of the setup on our back deck.

Imagination Station
As the Baltimore Oriole called, I decided to use my imagination to work on this painting. Perhaps you can see a suggestion of it? Here it is! It’s 6×12 inches on an oil primed linen panel and for sale for $197. To make it your own, simply click on the Paypal button below.

Can You Hear Too
How about you, gentle reader? Are you starting to hear or see signs of spring? What are they? I would love to know. Please share in the comments below and thank you for reading here today.
March 2, 2023What a lush and lovely painting! I especially like how you rendered the leaves and captured the depth.
Thanks to you, I too have Merlin ID! I have learned a lot about the birds in my neighborhood. It’s been a lot of fun to use.
Julie Holmes
March 8, 2023Hi Alexandra, Thank you so much! I love reading your insightful comment about this painting. As an accomplished painter yourself, it means so much to me!
Here here or perhaps I should say “hear hear” to the Merlin app! I’m glad you are using it in your lovely neighborhood.
Sending lots o love and sympatico painting productivity your way
March 2, 2023Julie,
What a lovely painting! I love the hint of Oriole in the tree.
I too have been hearing so many birds. Spring is in the air! Merlin shows me the birds I can hear but not see. What an amazing app.
Thanks for this posting.
Julie Holmes
March 8, 2023Hi Kristina,
Thank youuuu! I’m so glad you like the hint. The more I paint the more I love the idea of hints rather than complete clarity. It gives the viewer the chance to create their own story, perhaps?
Glad you’re on team Merlin too. What an enriching experience, eh?
Lots and lots o love and thank you for reading and commenting here! xoxo
Beth Clary
March 6, 2023How fun! I love “the suggestion of an oriole.” Honestly, didn’t see it at first but now can’t NOT see it. I think the clouds in the background distracted me at first – just beautiful and say “SPRING” to me.
Getting my orange feeder out in preparation for the orioles’ arrival here. Thanks for the heads up they’re coming.
Julie Holmes
March 8, 2023Hi Beth,
Yay I’m glad you didn’t see our friend the oriole at first. It is my hope to create work that might offer a gentle surprise that keeps the viewer looking.
So thank you for noticing the sky and clouds and then taking the time to look for the oriole!
Sad to say I have not had any visitors to my oriole feeder yet. Even though I have it stocked with oranges and grape jelly. I still hear the oriole’s call nearby. So hope that it will find it’s way to the bird buffet soon!
Sending lots o love and oriole calls your way! xoxo
Kathy Michaud
March 7, 2023I feel the “flow” as I enjoy this painting, Julie.
Julie Holmes
March 8, 2023Hi Kathy,
Thank you for saying that! There was definitely a time of flow with this painting.
Sending lots o love and artistic flow back at youuuu! xoxo