Downtown Raleigh View

Naming this painting “Downtown Raleigh View” is about as straightforward as you can get, right? I’ll share some more tidbits and scoop about this painting shortly. But first, here’s a warm welcome to you gentle reader. And, whether you’re brand new or a long time loyal reader, I’m delighted you are here. To find out more about the focus of this post and blog, you can read more here. To sign up to receive these posts every week, you can sign up here.
Golden Hour View
This view is not far from our house. In fact, I was walking best dog ever (BDE) one afternoon when I saw the light. BDE and I had to go around the back of the Starbucks (near the Teeter) for you locals. The gold, dusky light was bathing the buildings off in the distance. Oooh la la the view was just beautiful. Here’s the painting which is 12×6 inches and painted on fine linen on panel. And, yes, it’s for sale for $197. Simply click on the Paypal button below to make it yours.

How Can I Miss You
You might say that Raleigh and I have had an on again off again relationship. Ever since I got moved here with work in the mid 80s I never figured I would stay long. So, every now and then I interviewed for jobs in the northeast and even further south.
To me Raleigh was like that song “How Can I Miss You If You Don’t Go Away.” I finally moved when I got married. We found a house in downtown Durham just a short 20 miles away from Raleigh. It was a beautiful place to be until it wasn’t. We met lifelong friends there but longed for something else. So what did we do? Move again! This time we chose the woods.
Children of the Triangle
Once we moved to Chapel Hill, I decided we were officially “children of the Triangle.” Having lived in Raleigh, Durham and now Chapel Hill, we had seen the three main metropolis’ of the area. We were living the dream: a house in the woods. Right? Wrong-o-rama.
Wait for it! I missed Raleigh. So we moved back. And, other than a 5 year stint in Philadelphia, we have been here ever since. And, I gotta say if there’s anything that will make you want to live in Raleigh, it’s a healthy dose of concrete urban living.
But Wait
But wait, there was that time during the pandemic when we longed for family, for connections, for New England fall weather. Ya, ok, we nearly moved again last year. I have the boxaggedon photos to prove it.
Then we looked at what we have and said, “Hey, wait a minute, maybe we should stay.” And so, here we are Raleigh. And, now it seems a few other people think this is a pretty cool place to live too. Meantime, family face palms are the norm. But let’s get back to the topic at hand: painting!
Studio View
If there’s one thing I do know, it’s that I just need a room where I can paint. Then I pinky swear promise I can be content. That’s the truth! Here’s the latest studio shot of this week’s painting.

It sure was fun putting the finishing touches on this one. Yes the sky was a beautiful pink. And, the clouds were amazing as they hovered over the golden light on the skyline. Ah! OK enough about me. What about you, gentle reader?
What’s Your Raleigh
Have you got something right in front of you, that you just realized is kinda cool? Or maybe if it’s not cool, perhaps it’s so comfortable and easy to be with you just can’t let it go? Well, if so, please do tell. I would love it if you would share in the comments below.
Beth Clary
February 23, 2023I think this is the first urban landscape of yours I’ve seen. Could that be true? Wish I could see it in person. It looks stunning. And I, of course, love that the sky dominates the view. Just beautiful.
If you have more urban landscape paintings, please share.
Julie Holmes
February 23, 2023Hi Beth,
Could be the first one that I’ve posted. Prolly not the first one I’ve painted?
Shareable paintings are less abundant. Don’t ya know! ;-D
Thanks so much and I sure wish you could see it in person toooooo.
Patricia Reid
February 23, 2023So glad you are happier in Raleigh. The never ending uncontrolled development and extravagance have driven me out after 32 years. It’s heartbreaking to see Raleigh becoming a city where there is no place for the no rich to live.
Julie Holmes
February 23, 2023Hi Pat,
I’m sorry you have had to move. You, like us, have moved so many places in the past few years. Wondering where you have settled now?
Sending lots of love your way!
February 26, 2023Hi Julie,
I love that you see the beautiful horizon and then can paint it! Most of us just say “Wow, pretty day” and that’s all we’ve got. You can paint to capture a moment so the rest of us can smile and remember that beautiful light and a scene that inspired a spark of awe.
Julie Holmes
March 1, 2023Hi Ruth,
Thank you! These days I’m always thrilled when someone takes the time to notice the pretty day. It seems life is so hectic that it’s a challenge to even do that. So, I’m glad you mention that this painting captures that.
Thank you for such a thoughtful observation and lots o love, too! xoxo