Tribute Painting

Why name this “Tribute Painting?” Let me get my kleenex, wipe my eyes and then share, gentle reader. And, while I’m doing that, here’s a warm welcome to returning and new readers, too. To learn about the purpose of this blog, check this linkie link here.
Kitty Tribute Painting
Here’s this week’s painting which is a tribute to our beloved, 17-year old, orange marmalade bundle of love named Oppie (short for Oppenheimer). It’s 2×6 inch gouache painting on cold press paper. And it’s not for sale. Read on and I’m sure you’ll understand why.

Oppie crossed the rainbow bridge this week. And, even though some might say he required a ton of work. Such as? Well, how about four kitty boxes and two oral medications twice a day. But ya know that’s what you do with old creatures, isn’t it? Especially when this one acted more like a dog than a cat. For instance, he could make a beeline to you as soon as you call his name. And, he even knew how to romp with dogs including Best Dog Ever.
Plus, he could tackle the road in our little camper with aplomb, finesse and a little ‘je ne sais quoi.” Here’s a picture of him in our camper earlier this year.

Paint and Draw What You Know
“They” say it’s a good idea to draw and paint what you know. Thankfully, Mr Oppie kitty would graciously pose for me. And, I sketched, doodled and drew him lots over the years. Here’s one of my favorite sketches of him from last year.

It’s strange and funny how much I remember about him thanks to this sketching practice. He had the pinkest little nose, secret whiskers and the boniest body ever at the very end. But he took the aging process in stride. I nearly forgot to mention his purring and head bumping practice. He had a constant purr and an artful way of giving head bumps to both David and me. These were his ways of asking for TLC, attention and, of course, food!
Oppie as Lazarus
This kitty had an incredible stubborn streak too. In 2014, just as we were getting ready to move up to Philly, he went on a hunger strike. We thought he was a goner then. Why? Because he stopped eating. Completely! For three days! Our wonderful vet gently prepared us as we attempted new and different moist kitty foods. Then on the third day, he ate a new flavor of canned kitty food. He may have been sick. Or, knowing him at that point, he was so bored with the food we were giving him that he just said, “STOP! Give me variety or give me death!”
Oppie Outdoors
You may think a big orange marmalade kitty might get bored being indoors all the time. Nope! Besides, he is (oops…was) as avid a bird watching fan as we are. And, not to get too preachy but he knows that outdoor kitties are one of the leading causes of the demise of birds. So, heck yes, we took him outdoors! But he never went outdoors without his very own harness and leash. Here he is earlier this fall, decked out in his colorful leash. Handsome, eh?

In The End
Sad to say that the end happened this week for our beloved kitty. But he has left us with so many cuddly and colorful memories filled with love. And, he is now across the rainbow bridge and reunited with his best-est buddy, Einstein.

And, we’re grateful for every single moment. After all, in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make, right? (He says he helped the Beatles write that line in a previous life. But that remains to be seen). Here’s that song to sign off for this year. If you have a favorite snuggly pet or person moment, please do share in the comments below. Thank you as always for reading here, gentle reader!
December 29, 2022Awww – what a great tribute and the painting captures his spirit. Sorry for your loss – he had a good life for sure!!!
Julie Holmes
January 4, 2023Thank you so much Dianaaa!!! I appreciate your reading and commenting tooo. Oppie kitty sure did have a pretty fab life for a stray orange kitty cat! Take care you and thanks again!!! xoxo
milissa michel
December 29, 2022Oh Julie I am so sorry about Oppie!! It’s so hard losing those sweet little creatures! So many of us know all to well what that feels like. Thank goodness though for the memories as they truly become part of the family. Hope your holiday season is going well otherwise!! Take care. Hi to David and shaggy dog too! xoxo
Julie Holmes
January 4, 2023Hi Milissaaaaa! What a treat to hear from you here!!! Thank you so much for your sweet note. And, you’re so right, the memories, gazillions of photos and goofy videos surely do live on to create memories galore. Happy Holidays to you, Ken and your critters and family tooooo! xoxo
Patricia Reid
December 29, 2022My heart goes out to you as tears fill my eyes.
Julie Holmes
January 4, 2023Thank you so much Pat!!! As a pet lover, too, you know how unconditionally these critters give and receive love. I feel so lucky to have been able to experience that with him for 17 years!!! xoxo
Beth Dyer Clary
December 29, 2022I don’t know how to do emojis in these comments. I want to put that broken heart and the boo-hoo emoji here because this a sweet post, a wonderful tribute in both the words, the song and the painting, and your ever-present humor amazes me.
Julie Holmes
January 4, 2023Hiya Beth, Thank you – I don’t know how to do emojis here either? But thank you so much for the sentiment. At this point, I am just so grateful to have had that sweet orange kitty in my life as long as I did. He sure ended up having a rough go at the end. So I am relieved that he is no longer suffering. Kitties are such stoics!!! Especially this one. When the time comes I hope I am 1/10 as stoic as he was!!! Super kitty!!! Roar!!! ;-D xoxoxo
Beth Dyer Clary
December 29, 2022P.S. That shade of blue is glorious! I just love it.
When you get a chance, please tell me it’s name.
Julie Holmes
January 4, 2023Hiya Beth, I painted this one in gouache so it’s either ultramarine blue or sky blue or the two mixed together? Probably the latter! xoxo
January 3, 2023Hi Julie,
Beautiful tribute – both words and painting/sketches to your companion cat Oppie.
I love that he’s looking towards the light in the first image with the gorgeous blue surrounding him. Your musical tribute could have been a “Stairway to Heaven” kind of song.
Sending warm wishes that the hole in your heart is filled with good memories.
Julie Holmes
January 4, 2023Hi Ruth,
Thank you so much! It’s funny I had no idea that his face looking towards the light would end up being a tribute painting. But, there it is! Thank you for the song ideas and thoughtful, heartwarming comments! love and hugs back to youuu