Clearing on the Horizon

Is there a clearing on the horizon? These days? Who knows gentle reader. I will share more on this in a bit. But first, let’s welcome new readers to this blog. To see the purpose of this post here’s a link.
What is on the Horizon
In a word or two, who knows, right? Here’s a painting that I did this week in gouache. We had wonderful UK family members visiting us. So I thought what the heck, why not paint where we were.
Here’s the painting. It’s a color sketch really. What does that mean? It’s an idea or a study for something larger either in gouache or oils.

If you’re interested in buying it, it’s for sale for $40. Please contact me for the Paypal link. Since I’m writing this on the road, I would rather wait to create and share the Paypal link at home.
Where Are We
We are traveling along the Outer Banks of North Carolina with David’s sister and her fiance, Neil. And, we’re having a ball. Each person on this trip offers such a delightful, warm, and hilarious (Neil) view of the world. I feel lucky to be in their midst.
So, forgive me if I keep this week’s post short and sweet! But we only have a few more days with these world travelers. We’re doing all can to spend as much face to face time as we can with them. Who would imagine that that is a cherished thing to do. But here we are in 2022 after having been through the pandemic. Face to face time and a clearing on the horizon is where it’s at. Right?
What about you gentle reader? Do you imagine a clearing in your horizon? If you do or even if you don’t, please share what’s happening in your world in the comments below. Thank you!
Beth Clary
October 27, 2022This blue beauty will get snapped up I bet! It’s beautiful,Julie! A beach scene that draws me in.
Home and happy after 10 days away. Great post to wake up too!
Julie Holmes
November 2, 2022Thanks Beth!!! xoxo
Patricia Reid
October 27, 2022Have fun. Enjoy every minute of your family time together. It’s the best gift!
Julie Holmes
November 2, 2022Will do Pat! It sure is the best gift. TY! xoxo