In Search of OM

Are you in search of OM gentle reader? Well, I don’t know much but I do know that the gourds in this painting are in search of OM. But before I explain that, I want to welcome new readers here. Welcome! And, if you’re interested in an explanation of the purpose of this post and blog, check this link here.
Define OM
So first, I guess I need to define OM, don’t you agree? And, as much I would like to have you think I have a deep understanding of the first word in Dali Lama’s mantra “Om Mani Padma Hum,” I don’t. And, this version of OM is an abbreviation for “orange mark.” That’s right. Why?
Well, check out the characters in this week’s painting. I chose them for their fantastic, organic shapes and their colors. And, I especially love each of them for their unique, orange marks. Why? Because it’s fall and pumpkin season and ’tis the time to seek out orange.
Here’s a larger version of this gouache painting which is 10×8 inches on Strathmore’s excellent quality mixed media board. And, it’s for sale for $85 + shipping + taxes. Simply click on the Paypal link below to purchase.

Early Bird Idea
Oh and hey, here’s an idea, consider giving this as a gift this holiday season. There’s nothing like giving and receiving original art, don’t you think? And, since I have already received four holiday shopping catalogues in the mail this week, I decided I could mention this early holiday idea to you. Please be sure to commit and purchase this by no later than November 15. That way, I can make sure to mail it to you so that it arrives on time.
Studio Talk
If you’re still trying to wrap your head around holiday catalogues this early, that’s AOK. Me too. Perhaps I should share a bit of studio scoop about this painting instead? I painted this gouache painting after two days of plein air painting. Meaning? Meaning I was ready to sit down indoors, rather than stand outside, and paint for a bit.
And, in keeping with my plein air pursuits, I mix all the colors from primary colors for this painting. So, I kept the premixed greens, oranges and greys away from the palette. Why? Lately, I find I enjoy mixing my secondary colors, like greens, greys and oranges, from the primary colors on the palette. So, I use red, two yellows (ochre and lemon) and two blue (ultramarine and cerulean) plus burnt umber and white. And, I hope the process of mixing these colors will help me see what works best as I grow and evolve as a painter. Stay tuned we’ll see.
Inspirational Quote
This painting is inspired by a Jamie Wyeth quote I read recently “Everything I paint is a portrait, whatever the subject.” I decided after reading that, that each of these three gourds has their own personality, worth capturing. And, each, of course, has their very own orange mark too.
Here’s a photo of the painting and the actual ‘characters’ in this painting.

In Search Of
What about you gentle reader? Are you in search of something particular? I am really curious to hear. So please share your thoughts and searches in the comments below. And, thank you, as always, for reading here today.
October 20, 2022Great orange marks in this painting, Julie! I like how you used the term “OM,” too. Wonderful painting that captures the OM really well. I too enjoy mixing colors from primaries; for me it’s less overwhelming than having many colors lined up along the periphery of my palette. I guess that leads to my description of what I’m searching, namely simplicity, acceptance, and peace of mind.
I also really like that quote from Andrew Wyeth. Excellent approach to any subject as it helps remind the painter to look for the nature of what they’re depicting created by careful study of light, line, and form among other traits.
Julie Holmes
October 26, 2022Hi Alexandra, How about we create a secret society of primary color painters? Ha! I had no idea that’s how you worked too.
And, it seems it completely firts with you’re thinking of and searching for. Brava dear friend! xoxo
Beth Clary
October 20, 2022Love these gourds, Julie! They seem so alive. That sounds strange but perhaps it really means you captured their unique qualities as in a portrait!?!
There is something about orange, isn’t there? Especially this time of year. I love how our pollinator meadow has gold, orange and purple this time of year. Such great colors alone and together.
Those delicata squares add a whole new character to autumn too! Just beautiful!
Julie Holmes
October 26, 2022Hi Beth! Yay – I’m so glad you enjoy thes gourds. Here’s hoping there’s a bit of character in each one, eh?
Here’s to orange and all the colors of autumn! xoxo