Serenity in Today’s Landscape

Are you in search of serenity in today’s landscape, gentle reader? Whoa, me too. In fact, this week, I thought of serenity and light with practically every single brush stroke. But, before I share more, I want to welcome new readers here. Welcome! To read about the purpose of this post and blog, read this post here. Let’s get to this week’s topic, shall we?
Serenity and Light in Today’s Landscape
In the past, I had my doubts about the value of painting as a ‘worthy’ profession. There are so many vital needs in the world today. But lately, I have had some experiences and read some wonderful books that help me see the value of my role as an artist. Before I continue, gentle reader, I will share that this post will offer you, your eyes and your mind a wonderful respite from the immediate troubles we face in the world today.
How? I will be sharing images, of course, of paintings. But I will also be sharing ideas and books from other artists, too. Let’s carry on!
Painting in the Woods
Recently, I finished reading a book by fine artist, Deborah Paris, entitled “Painting in the Woods.” Oooh la la what a lovely book! And, I say this whether or not you are a painter. In fact, if you’re a writer, I think you will find her quotes from Thoreau, Emerson, and Wordsworth both inspiring and thought provoking. I will cover Paris’ concept of “Refuge and Prospect” in a minute. But before I do that, here’s one of this week’s paintings entitled “Serenity in Today’s Landscape.” It’s small; ~4.5 by 5 inches. And, I painted it on canvas paper.

This painting is a view from my studio window into our backyard. Yes that purple door leads to our garage. It was my studio. But it’s now the workshop where David builds his kayaks and more. My studio is now in the house and I love it. But that’s for a different post. Back to today’s topic.
I love the view beyond the workshop and our neighbor’s roof. The sky and clouds above change daily and suggest opportunity and the unknown.
A Second Painting
Here’s a second painting I finished this week. It’s 8×8 inches and painted in oils on panel. The title of the painting “Prospect or Refuge” is inspired by a concept written in Paris’ book of the same name.

This painting is also inspired by EM Wells Park located steps from our house. If you were ever to join me on a walk there, you, I promise, will experience a sense of quiet, tranquility and calm. There are dapples of light, bird calls and stately trees. And, even though this is a small city park, it offers a huge respite and welcome to anyone who finds it.
And, yes, this painting is for sale unframed for $175. If you would like me to frame it for you, I can do that, too. Just contact me so we can review options and pricing for the frame. To purchase, as is, simply click on the Paypal button that follows.
Why Prospect and Refuge
In her book, Deborah Paris suggests that painters and writers throughout history but in particular, since the early 1800s, use prospect and refuge differently. Her idea here is inspired by another book she references entitled “The Re-Creation of Landscape: A Study of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Constable and Turner” by James A. Heffernan. I have not read this book…yet. But I love what Paris and, in turn, Heffernan, are suggesting. That is, that we each, as human beings, find ourselves seeking prospect and refuge. And, our point of view and work represent that, too.
And Paris writes that “…Tonalist artists of the late nineteenth century were profoundly affected by the aftermath of the Civil War…and [their paintings] gave way to intimate, elegiac landscapes that were refuge dominant in their design.”
I suggest that people and painters today have been profoundly affected by the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, ever present school shootings, the lingering impact of the Pandemic, unending unrest from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the dispicable over turn of Roe v. Wade, inflation and on and on and on. Is there any clearer path or reason to create art and words that offer serenity, a moment of visual rest, and calm?
Team Refuge
If I had to choose between prospect or refuge, I would be all-in with Team Refuge. Why? Forest interiors and their dappled light delight me. The smell of pine trees and even the dirt paths lure me in every time. My daily walks feed this concept and spur me on to share these feelings within my paintings and for my viewers and collectors.
I am sure you have an idea of your preference, gentle reader. And, keep in mind, I shared two different paintings I did this week; each showing a different perspective of this concept. And, I confess I love seeing the horizon line (aka Prospect) whenever I visit the beach. In fact, I love thinking about the painting I did this past summer during our short beach vacation. So, wait, maybe I would be Team Prospect if I lived closer to the ocean? Who knows?
What’s Your Preference
How about you gentle reader? Is it clear to you that you paint or write or think as a member of Team Refuge or Team Prospect? I would be delighted if you shared your thoughts on this in the comments below. Thank you for reading here today.
Beth Dyer Clary
August 25, 2022What a stimulating post, Julie! Hmmmm. Prospect or Refuge? Since 2016 I have had a personal revolution going on inside me where when I’m told “This or That” I say, “Neither.” Or “Both.” Or “Maybe this over here …” I do love thinking about these concepts.
Even more love reading about your process and these books. Think I’ll add them to my list!
AND, I loved seeing that bright blue beach painting again! SUCH a great color and scene.
Thanks for sharing, always.
Julie Holmes
August 26, 2022Hi Beth, Thank you!
There truly is so much to think about around these creative processes we follow. I can’t wait to find out more about your personal inquisition and the significance of 2016?
That bright blue beach painting was fun to paint and brings back fond memories of this summer. Doesn’t get much better than that, eh? xoxo
Beth Dyer Clary
September 1, 20222016 … you know. That election and the beginning of “Them” or “Us” and “This” or “That” etc. Ugh.
Bring me the swirl of grays or greys and nuances of life that have no clear boundaries, you know?
Patricia M Reid
August 26, 2022Loved this week’s refuge/prospect. I’m definitely into refuge this year. Your paintings are gorgeous. I just want to walk into those woods!
Julie Holmes
August 26, 2022Ahh Pat!
I’m glad that you just wanted to walk into those woods. What a delightful way to respond. Thank you! And, I am with you about being into refuge this year. Never thought of myself as a hermit but I am loving nesting and painting at home these days.
Thank you for commenting and enjoy your refuge time! xoxo