What’s Always in Front

What’s always in front but can’t be seen? I bet you can guess the answer gentle reader. But before I share, here’s a welcome to new readers. And, if you want more information about this blog, check this link out here. So what’s always in front?
I wish I could see what’s always in front. Don’t you? But after the activities and events of the last few weeks, I have realized that all I can do is take care of what’s in front of me. Like what?
Like Vacuuming
Is it me or do you feel as if sometimes it’s best to focus on what is in our control. This is coming from someone who used to hate to vacuum, for instance. But, at least with vacuuming, I see a little bit of dust. Fire up the vacuum cleaner. And, in a flash, that dust is gone. Cue up a moment of control, even if it’s fleeting. Right?
Here’s a gouache painting I did this week of our (way too) loud but effective vacuum cleaner. This painting is 6×6 inches on cold press paper. Interested in buying it? It’s $35 + tax + shipping. See the PayPal link below the image. I would love it if you wanted this painting in your home. It’s a tip of my hat to painting what’s right in front of me. Because…why not?

Another Reminder
As I returned to the studio this week, I heard a fantastic song by Sarah Jarosz. It’s entitled “Pay It No Mind.” This song completely resonated with me too. Have a listen:
Pay It No Mind by Sarah Jarosz
[Verse 1]
Up by the window of the seventh floor
There’s a little bird stretching her wings
She’s looking down at the world far below her
I can hear the little tune that she sings
[Chorus 1]
She says, “we all have our notions, baby
We all laugh and sigh
And when the world on the ground
Is gonna swallow you down
Sometimes you’ve got to pay it no mind
A New Problem
Rather than worry and kvetch about world events over which I have no control, I see a new problem. As I continue to learn and grow as a painter, I keep thinking about ways to do more with less. So, for the next little while, I am painting with the three primaries in gouache. Three primaries? Yes! That is, I’m painting only in red, yellow and blue.
Will I miss buttery oil paint? Oh you bet! And, will I miss cerulean blue and quinacridone magenta and sap green and … and… Yes I will! But I think this approach to color will give me a healthy dose of taking time do more with less. And who doesn’t need that every once in awhile? Here’s a quick pic of that simple palette.

Isn’t it amazing how many colors there are on the palette? And, mixed from red, yellow and blue.
So What Is Always in Front
You probably already know the answer to what is always in front but never seen, yes? The future, of course. What about you gentle reader? What do you do to navigate this whacky world and feel in control (or let go) in your world? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.
Beth Dyer Clary
July 7, 2022It would NEVER occur to me to paint a vacuum cleaner. Yet, this is wonderful and makes me consider all those ordinary things that have been painted from soup cans to hair brushes, etc! Very fun and, if I had more wall space, I’d buy this to make me smile every time I thought, “Ugh I have to vacuum today.” Have to mull over my wall space some more.
And I am a HUGE Sarah Jarosz fan! Hadn’t REALLY listened to this particular song and it feels perfect for this post.
How do I navigate this whacky world in this weird time? Start my day with the birds. If the weather allows, and boy has it allowed this past few weeks, I sit on the patio, sip some tea and just listen and watch. Proves that as much as we think we’re the center of everything, good Ole Ma Nature REALLY is!
Julie Holmes
July 13, 2022Ha! Hey Beth – thanks for your comments about the vacuum cleaner. It was more fun to paint than actually vacuum – ha ha! I’m sure you can imagine that?!
Had no idea about Sarah Jarosz and have played that one song, as I do, over and over and over again. It’s just so beautiful. And that dobro riff? OMG if I could paint the way that sounds I would be so grateful!!!!
Your “bird song” start to your day sounds perfect! We will have to compare notes on that soon. xoxoxo
Patricia Reid
July 7, 2022Thanks for the song. I find it necessary to do that most weeks. As for letting go, I find it’s freeing to realize I can only control my own actions and thoughts. Acceptance is the key and gratitude makes it a joy.
Julie Holmes
July 13, 2022Hi Pat, Sure…you are welcome for that song. I have been playing it on instant replay for weeks. It’s just so beautiful to me. And, it seems, you too.
I think you are sharing wise words about controlling actions and thoughts. Rock on! Thanks so much for reading and commenting here, Pat! xoxoxo