Can’t Get Enough

Can’t get enough? Can’t get enough of what? Oh let me count the ways gentle reader. Before I list all the things I can’t get enough of, I’ll welcome new readers and share the purpose of this post and blog. Ready?
Welcome! Each year, I select a theme for my weekly paintings. This year’s theme is Transitions. I am expanding on last year’s theme. 2021’s theme was “Small Spaces Special Places“. Since we were all spending a lot of time in or close to home last year, it made sense to me to keep paintings small and simple.
Why Transitions? So many reasons. Here are one or two. I plan to transition to larger paintings this year. In fact, the first painting I posted this year was huge (for me.) It measures 8×24″…wowza. Here’s the painting and post for that week. Second, I am focusing on transitions within my painting process, too. This includes transitions from light to dark. Something I love to think about as I compose a painting. I also love to think about the negative space around an object. An example of this is the painting I shared two weeks ago called “Blowing in the Wind.”
I’m also trying some new processes that I have never done before including glazing. I’ll share more about that process once I have some results worth sharing. In the meantime, there’s lots of painting going on here.
So there you have it! The scoop on transitions as the theme for 2022.
If you are not subscribing to this blog yet and think you might enjoy a weekly dose of unique artwork with a dash of color and musings on life, sign up here. Let’s get to this week’s topic!
Can’t Get Enough Color
First, I’ll share my color addiction with you. I truly can’t get enough color.
I confess that I have tried to reduce the number of colors I use. It seems only right to learn to paint with restraint. Right? That effort just doesn’t last long with me. Although I am currently ‘down’ to 22 colors. See my palette here.

You can see the newest addition to my color collection right smack in the middle of the palette: Napthol Red. Holy smokes this color is so bright and yet friendly. Friendly? Yes, it mixes well with others. But let’s move on to the next thing I can’t get enough of: trees!
Can’t Get Enough Trees
The more I read about trees, the more I learn how vital they are to our existence. Here in North Carolina, there are so many different variations of pine trees. I love seeing them in dappled light. It’s wonderful to observe the rich reddish/purpleish trunk of a Red Pine next to the green of its evergreen canopy. This week’s oil painting is still a work in progress. It’s 8×24 inches on panel. Stay tuned!

Can’t Get Enough: A Confession
I confess I heard the namesake for this week’s blog post while I was cleaning the house. Talk about a blast from the past: Barry White, aka “The Walrus of Love,” singing “Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe.” Holy Smokes what a fabulous song and another example of great music from the 70s. You gotta have a listen, so here it is…;-D…Enjoy!
Can’t Get Enough Of This Either
Well, I also have to share that March is a month where I usually get all sentimental about Mr Himself. Why? I’ll share in a minute.
Recently, he was showing a friend of ours some photos of his younger years as a pilot and the nifty planes he used to fly. Then, he came across this photo that I had never seen before. Holy Smokes! Cue up Barry White, people! HA HA! ;-D Truth is I didn’t even meet him till he was probably 20+ years older that this photo. But it sure is fun to see and share this here.

So I get all sentimental in March, especially St Patrick’s Day, because that’s the day he popped the question all those years ago. How cool is that? Whoops I have digressed from color and painting here (cough cough again), haven’t I? I guess that’s a sign, I need to sign off.
Before I Sign Off
Before I sign off here, I thought of another thing that I, and I bet you, can’t get enough of: WORLD PEACE. If you want to take action, consider purchasing the painting I created and shared last week. I have dropped the price to $100+shipping+taxes and promise to donate all the proceeds of this painting to help Ukrainian refugees. Thank you!
What else are you realizing you can’t get enough of these days, gentle reader? Please do share in the comments below and thank you!
Denise Todloski
March 17, 2022Really liking this work in progress, Julie, lovely color. Pine trees never looked so good. : )
Julie Holmes
March 17, 2022Thank you Denise!
Seems the color addiction is a good thing.
Take care you xoxo
Beth Dyer Clary
March 17, 2022Another great post, Julie! Lots to make this person smile. How cute is that photo of David?! Let’s talk about the hair – was he just blonder then or was he dying it because that was a cool thing to do then? Maybe it’s the photo? Same fabulous smile as today of course! Sigh.
I’m going to buy that painting. I’ve been thinking about it all week and well, two good causes for the price of one, right?
Meanwhile, I can’t get enough of soooo much. Woodcocks, Screech Owls, crocus blooming, warm sunny weather, walking, and definitely world peace. What with the day, I’ll also add that I can’t quite get enough of Guinness, Redbreast Irish Whiskey and may Bailey’s? I CAN get enough of Bailey’s b/c it’s sweet but today? Maybe not!
Julie Holmes
March 17, 2022Hi Beth,
Wahoo! Thank you so much!!!
As for the photo of David, I took a photo of the photo. So that lighter area at the top of the pic is probably glare. ;-D
I am so excited that you are adding this painting to your collection. Thank you soooo much!.
And, shazam, what a world of signs of spring where you are. Watch out wild kingdom, eh?
Happy St Patrick’s day and hope you get enough Bailey’s, Guinness and Irish Whiskey to celebrate! Woot!
Kristina Philipson
March 17, 2022What delightful post, Julie. I can’t get enough of my new town, Asheville. While walking the other day south of town I saw several white squirrels! We had black ones in Massachusetts near Sleepy Hollow Cemetary but white squirrels are a first for me. What will be next?
I love the dark greens and dark blues in this painting and look forward to seeing the finished product. Will call soon!
Julie Holmes
March 17, 2022Hi Kristina,
I am so excited to hear that you are excited about your new town, Asheville. I confess I have never seen white squirrels before. You’ll have to find out if that’s unusual or the usual ‘critter’ collection in Asheville.
I love and can’t get enough of dark greens either. Thank you!
Can’t wait to catch up on the phone and to see you in person, too.