Save the Date

Why “Save the Date” gentle reader? Because I’m excited to share that I am having an art gallery opening on Friday, May 27, 2022. Consider this your virtual “save the date” postcard.
Here are the details. Artist, Ellen Gamble and I are going to have our work on display starting Tuesday, May 17, 2022. Ellen’s work will be on display in the Apple Gallery. My work will be on display in the Artsplace. Both galleries are located in the Stokes County Arts Council building at 500 North Main Street Danbury, NC 27016. The building and the space are beautiful!
The Opening also known as a “Meet and Greet” will be Friday, May 27, 2022 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.

Sneak Peak of Save the Date
Here are examples of new work that Ellen and I will be having on display at this show. First up, here’s one of Ellen’s colorful watercolors.

Her water colors are 8×8 inches and will be matted and ready for you to choose your own frame. Additionally, Ellen will have oil paintings of beautiful abstract flowers. These paintings range in size. All are large, framed and ready to hang on your wall. Here’s Ellen’s website to give you a sneak peak of her colorful abstract artwork.
New Work
I will be showing brand new work including this painting that is fresh off the easel and entitled Yellow Skies Ahead. It’s an 8″x12″ oil painting on panel.

Visitors to the gallery will also see matted color sketches of all sizes as well as many more paintings, too. If you think you or someone you know would like to receive either an email reminder or a postcard with the details of the show, please contact me here and be sure to include your street address along with your email.
Why Save the Date Now
The reason I wanted to share the date and location of this show is because it’s happening on the Friday of Memorial Day weekend. And, people are booking travel plans like crazy these days. Perhaps the (fingers crossed) waning days of the pandemic are helping people to start traveling again.
The wonderful part about this opening on May 27, 2022 and it’s location, is that it is less than a 20 minute drive from Hanging Rock State Park. The trails are wonderful; some quite accessible and others pretty rugged. But you have a choice. And, the campsites and cabins are already getting booked up. So that’s another reason to share this information with you now.
Stay Tuned
Speaking of staying tuned, I’m also excited to share that I have been learning how to play the Ukulele. I got a soprano Ukulele for Christmas this past year. It’s so much fun to play and offers a wonderful antidote to the news and the dark winter nights.
Even though I have been stumbling in attempts to strum and pick out the correct notes, I love learning new songs. My current (tiny) repetoire includes “Happy Birthday” and (a very slow version of) “Hey Soul Sister” and “Put a Little Love in Your Heart.”
So I’ll sign off with Dolly Parton’s version of “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” and hope to see you at the show in May. Stay tuned for more weekly posts and paintings in the meantime and thank you so much for reading today.
Beth Clary
February 17, 2022Very excited about this Julie! Have a Tulsa acquaintance who moved to Boone so will look at how far that is and send it to her.
I would LOVE to be there myself. Hard to consider too carefully in my current brain fog but will try to make it happen! 🤞
Julie Holmes
February 17, 2022Thanks so much, Beth!
I would LOVE to see you there and hope it works out.
Take care and lots o love
February 17, 2022Congratulations, Julie! I’m so excited for you. How long will the show be up?
I’m also excited that you’re learning to play the ukulele! That is so cool. Can’t wait to hear you play. 🙂
Julie Holmes
February 23, 2022Hi Alexandra,
Thank you so much! The show is up from May 16 through June 30th. I’m glad you asked that and will be sure to include that information in future posts.
I’m still a total noob ukulele player but I just love it. Like it or not, I’ll be playing “Happy Birthday” to you soon! (ha ha!!!)
Thanks as always for reading and commenting here, Alexandra!
Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist Edge: A Tribute - Julie Dyer Holmes, Fine Artist
March 16, 2022[…] of these sketches will stand on their own and be a part of the show I’m having from May 16 to June 30 at ArtsPlace in the Stokes County Arts Council building in Danbury, NC. Stay […]