Fledging Time

Well it’s Fledging Time, gentle reader! Why do I say that? Oh I have sooo many reasons to share with you. But before I do, I want to welcome new readers here. And, I’ll share the purpose and focus of this blog. Ready?
Small Spaces Special Places
Welcome new readers! Each year, I select a theme for my weekly paintings. This year’s is “Small Spaces Special Places.” Why? I have been surprised, even delighted, with the small spaces in our house that have captured my eye.
Also, there are the special places I see on my daily dog walks. Each morning, rain or shine, I love getting outdoors and looking for things to paint. Sometimes, we venture on the road and I share paintings of special places from these trips, too.
If you think you will enjoy a weekly dose of unique artwork and musings on life, sign up here for this weekly blog. Let’s get to this week’s topic!
Who’s Fledging
When I thought about the name of this week’s painting, I am thinking of bluebirds fledging from the bluebird house in our front yard. Here’s this week’s painting.

And, I am excited to share that all four of our baby bluebirds fledged on Friday this past week. It’s always so bittersweet when this happens. I see the bluebird parents work so hard to feed them, especially the last few days before they fledge. There’s so much scurrying and scrambling going on.
Then, once they fledge, they’re potential prey for soooo many predators. Such as? Well, cats roaming free in the neighborhood for one. And, then, you aren’t going to believe this! A day or two before the bluebirds fledged, a juvenile and parent Red-Shouldered hawk started hanging around our house. It’s almost as if they can hear and know that these little birds are going to be ‘available’ soon. Wahhhhhh!
Confession, I rarely see the fledglings once they have left the nest. But, on occasion, I do hear the male bluebird calling. And, the parents keep feeding their little rascals for up to five weeks after they fledge. So, I’m pretty sure the male bluebird is calling so he can share his latest ‘catch’ with whomever is nearby.
See Fledglings
If you live in the Raleigh, NC area and want to see bluebird fledglings from brand new to teenagers, head to the NC Museum of Art’s Museum Park. If you park near the smoke stack and walk straight towards the grassy park, I promise you will see baby bluebird fledglings. I went on a bird walk there last Sunday morning early. We saw at least a dozen bluebird fledglings! Yayyy!
Here’s a painting I did this week of the Museum’s Art Park. It’s full of tall and gangly Sunflowers and beautiful wildflowers, too. Check it out!

Teenagers Fledge Time
I can’t help but think of parents with their kids heading off to college this time of year. Classes at NC State start next week. And, we’re around the corner from the campus here in Raleigh. So, I have seen parents with their kids, making last minute preparations and Target runs this week. I have to say it must be so bittersweet to see your child head off to college! Even if he or she is just going around the corner to school, it’s a big huge change!
So whether it’s a bluebird parent or a teenage kid parent, fledging time is here! I hope there are exciting and wonderful things in the future. And, I hope the baby bluebirds find a stealth spot to steal away and grow! For parents with fledgling teenagers, I hope there are new opportunities for you to help you in your new ’empty nest’ stage of life. Hmmm! Maybe it’s time to get a sketchbook or a paint brush and start drawing or painting what’s near you! Whatever you choose, I hope there’s smooth sailing ahead.
For Sale
Yes both of these paintings are for sale. Here’s a link to the “Surprise” painting including price and dimensions. And, here’s a link to the “Fledging Time” painting with price and dimensions.
And You
How about you gentle reader? Do you think of birds or kids fledging this time of year? If not, what do you think about as these sultry summer days, hopefully, start to cool a bit? Please share your thoughts in the comments below and thank you!
Beth Dyer Clary
August 12, 2021These are wonderful, textured paintings, Julie. I’m curious, is that textured aspect brush work or the cradle? I like the effect a lot.
Great post too. The local Audubon has started their fall migration walks already. Fledglings, college students and fall migrations walks … already?!
Bittersweet indeed. Maybe next year I’ll have some bluebirds to watch fledge!
Julie Holmes
August 12, 2021Hi Beth,
Thanks so much for asking! The texture is definitely brush strokes. These panels are super smooth before I apply the paint. It’s one of the things I love about working on them. So the cradle is just a way to lift the painting off the wall and makes it super easy to hang the painting anywhere without having to frame it.
I can’t believe it’s time for fall migration walks and kids to return to school either. It’s crazy and bittersweet how quickly birds fledge andkids grow up! I hope you do get some bluebirds next year. Fingers and toes crossed and lots o’ love too
August 13, 2021Lovely paintings, Julie! I especially like the one with the sunflower and flowers at the Art Museum. It reminds me of walking around there. The composition of the painting is so well thought out. It makes the eye move around in a gentle circular direction echoed by the circular shapes of the sunflower and the circular sculptures in the distance. Nice! I also really enjoy the pops of color nestled in the green.
It is indeed amazing how quickly time flies definitely evident in life transitions and rites of passage. I’ve been thinking about it, too!
Julie Holmes
August 13, 2021Hi Alexandra,
Thank you so much! That art museum park painting seemed to just flow without effort. I love when that happens …especially since it’s a rare but wonderful event. So, thank you for noticing the circular composition. I did several studies before choosing that one. Woot!
So wonderful to hear from you here! Sending lots of love and hugs your way