Missed Opportunity

Missed Opportunity

What do you do when you notice a missed opportunity? Do you scramble to meet it? Or do you decide it is what it is and move on? My guess is you have probably done both. Right? Before I describe this week’s painting and name, I’ll share the purpose of this blog for new readers.

Small Spaces Special Places

Welcome new readers! Each year, I select a theme for my weekly paintings. This year’s is “Small Spaces Special Places.” Why? I have been surprised, even delighted, with the small spaces in our house that have captured my eye.

Also, there are the special places I see on my daily dog walks. Each morning, rain or shine, I love getting outdoors and looking for things to paint. Sometimes, we venture on the road and I share paintings of special places from these trips, too.

If you or someone you know will enjoy a weekly dose of color, sign up here for this weekly blog. Let’s get to this week’s topic of missed opportunities!

What did I miss

Here’s this week’s painting.

Missed Opportunity 6x2 inch gouache painting by JD Holmes

I found this little branch with a leaf and a bud in my back yard. As I was painting it, I thought about that little bud. When I see buds in early spring, they just seem to burst with anticipation, hope and opportunity. Don’t you think? It’s one of the things I love about spring.

But now that we’re into summer, seeing a leaf and bud on the ground conveys a different feeling to me. It makes me think what that little bud might have become aka a missed opportunity.

Good news

The good news is we have a compost bin in the backyard. So you can bet this leaf and it’s bud will end up contributing some leafy goodness to our garden at some point.

So all is turning out better than expected, right? Well, there’s more.

Other Missed Opportunities

What’s that expression, “I love deadlines…especially the sound of them flying by.” So I confess that I bookmark shows and exhibitions for myself. The intention is to enter said shows and exhibitions. But then I accidentally (or not so) miss the deadline. Oops!

I am going to address this issue and get going on this. It’s all good. But there’s something else I need to share!


In the past few weeks, I have sold several paintings via my website. I am so grateful for this and the growing list of collectors. This, to me, is such a wonderful tribute to the work that I do! And, it feels empowering to be selling directly to people instead of having to work through an intermediary. Don’t get me wrong, I would welcome the right intermediary or two or three. But for now, I am packing up and prepping paintings to put in the mail to new and some tried and true collectors. Hooray!

Silver Lining

What about you gentle reader? Have you experienced a missed opportunity and then noticed a silver lining? If so, please share in the comments below.


  1. Beth Clary
    June 24, 2021

    Congratulations on the collectors, Julie! That’s super exciting.

    This week’s painting is wonderful – lots of different textures and such a great story you wrote with it.

    • Julie Holmes
      June 24, 2021

      Thank you Beth!!!


  2. Wendy
    June 25, 2021

    Love your posts, JDH!
    So thoughtful about the little bud. We all have a purpose, don’t we?

    • Julie Holmes
      June 30, 2021

      Thank you so much, Wendy! Yes indeed we do. Thanks for reading and commenting here. xoxo

  3. Kathy Michaud
    June 26, 2021

    I really like this painting and your reflection on missed opportunities, Julie.
    Also I’m thrilled that your paintings and this blog are gathering some followers- congratulations!

    • Julie Holmes
      June 30, 2021

      Hi Kathy,

      Woot! I’m glad you like this painting and the thoughts I shared here. It’s a thrill to know that these daily paintings are resonating with people. YAY. Thank you for reading and commenting here, Kathy! Love and hugs!

  4. Julie Holmes, Fine Artist, Oil Paintings, Drawings, Still Life, Dreamy Figure Paintings Choices a delightful 6x6 inch paintingJulie Dyer Holmes
    June 30, 2021

    […] the entire object but felt it may have been a bit too close to the top of the painting. I called it Missed Opportunity. This week I got brave and left a part of the leaf off of the composition (or the edge of the […]


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