10 Things to Boost Your Mood

So what does 10 things to boost your mood have to do with painting and this blog? Lots! And, I promise to share. But first, I want to welcome newcomers here (welcome!) and describe what this blog is all about. OK?
Small Spaces Special Places
Each year, I select a theme for my weekly paintings. This year’s theme is “Small Spaces Special Places.” One of the reasons I chose this theme is I have been surprised, even delighted, with the small spaces in our house that have captured my eye. For example, our hall bathroom has beautiful light streaming in. So the first week of this year, I shared that painting in a post here.
I also love to venture out on walks with our dog everyday. You would be amazed at the glimpses of beautiful moments I see. Sometimes I take a photo to reference. Other times, I just make a mental note. And, yet, each morning, rain or shine, I love getting outdoors and looking for glimpses of special places.
But Why
But why did I want to write about 10 things to boost your mood. Well, first I looked at the weather for this week (cold and rainy all week), and thought…ugh! Then I talked to some friends and family members who are knee deep in some life changing issues. OK I’ll admit it, I needed to think about what I could do to boost my mood. So I started thinking about what helps me as an artist and I’ll share a few of those ideas here, for sure. But then I thought about a few things that might help brighten your day too. So here you go in reverse order.
10. Go for a Walk
So this week’s featured painting is another view of Edna Metz Wells park. This sweet park has a creek, a bridge and amazing trees and a path. In this painting, I happened to count 10 trees. See?

If you nudge yourself to go out for a walk, I promise it will boost your mood. You will benefit even more if you can walk near trees. Really? Really!
9. Do Color Sketches
So, this is, of course, a boost for my artist readers here. But that doesn’t mean all you other readers are exempt! Pull out that water color set or those (fill in what you might have) paints your kids used in elementary school. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Boom! You have made something fun and sketchy!
Here’s a super quick sketch I did of our ancient kitty this week.

Don’t have a cat? That’s OK! How about that spice rack in your kitchen or the house plant that you love. Here’s a quick sketch I did of one of our house plants today.

These are not perfect paintings. But they are fun and spontaneous.
OK I have one more artist “boost” suggestion, then the rest are all non-art related ideas I want to share with you.
8. Paint an idea as if you were…
No I didn’t forget to finish the sub heading above. I just wanted to share that you can choose any artist that you love. And, then paint a painting as if you were that artist. I have always loved and admired the colors and the playful nature of Paul Klee‘s paintings. So, this week I looked at his painting here:

As I read about Paul Klee’s life and work, I learned that he painted with both hands. Whoa! How cool is that? Anyway, I decided to paint a landscape with him in mind. Here’s what I did:

Gotta say, this was a fun painting to do. And, given my recent educational experience, this painting felt down right, well, naughty. This thought actually brings me to idea to boost your mood numero 7.
7. Do Something Naughty
OK OK let me clarify something here. I am not suggesting you boost your mood by doing something immoral or illegal. But, consider all that studying and training you did to become “X.” What do I mean? Well, I mean I spent 5 years of my life learning to paint realistically. There was little to no value given to abstract work. So, my definition of naughty is to paint something abstractly. And, you know it was an interesting lesson and probably worth a whole separate blog post.
But let’s say you have been trained as the best, um, I dunno, choose your profession here. And, in your extensive training, you know all the rules and requirements to be the best at your profession. Well, I don’t know if for you that means to leave out punctuation or cross the road without using the crosswalk or sing off key. Whatever it is, if you have always wondered about it, do it! Just for yourself.
6. Swear
Ya – that’s right, dear reader. Sometimes, there is just no better way to respond to a situation than to say “WTF????” And, guess what, we now know what we always have ever known, occasional swearing is actually good for you and shows you’re smart too.
5. Read Mark Manson
You may disagree with my previous suggestion and that ‘s OK. But while we’re here at this juncture, I have to suggest Mark Manson’s website and his weekly emails. He’s thoughtful without being cynical. And, he’s funny and he does drop a few strategic swear words. Genius! Check out his insightful video about the 5 Best Personal Traits.
4. Sign up for the People’s Inauguration
One of my sister’s told me about this super cool event. And, if you, like me, feel as if every single second of your day is booked, I get it. You can still do this because, like everything else these days, this event is virtual. So check the People’s Inauguration website people ;-D.
3. Start Planning Your Homegrown National Park
Hey there’s a super cool book out right now called Nature’s Best Hope. Why is this book super cool? Well, for me, our environmental problems always seemed so massive and out of control. I always wanted to do more but could not figure out what that could be. Until now!
The author, Doug Tallamy, suggests that if each of us homeowners were to convert half of our yard (that’s right…just half) to native plants, we could collectively do major good for the environment. If you aren’t a big reader or you want to cut to the chase on the steps to take: check out the website entitled Homegrown National Park. So much goodness and action for each of us to take here.
2. Take Charge of Your Knowledge of Institutional Racism
Sometimes, the overwhelming feeling of “what can I do” gets answered with small steps. I certainly have felt this way in my efforts to support Black Lives Matter and the injustices towards people of color in our culture. I suggest that we each can and must keep growing and striving to understand the Institutional Racism that exists here in the US. Here’s a good resource to boost your knowledge and information on this topic.
1. Listen to Music
Oh my does music shift my mood! You? I will share two musicians I have discovered recently. The first musician is Danielle Ponder. Her voice and presence are fantastic including this song entitled “Three Words.”
The second musician offers a perfect way to walk in the woods even when you don’t live near them. Check out East Forest and their ethereal and earthy music. This song is entitled “Blueprints.” I’m hopeful it will boost your mood.
Bonus Tracks
Just in case you need a few extra suggestions for mood boosters, I have a few more. Ready? For some friendly and free yoga sessions, check out our favorite SarahBeth Yoga. We love her short 10 or 20 minute yoga sessions!
And, if you’re missing the gym, consider doing some Wim Hof breath work and exercises. I promise, if you do this method at home, you will be super fit by the time your gym re-opens. Roar!
Here’s one of my favorite meditation sessions with Pema Chodron. It’s super friendly and I’ll let you decide if this might work for you.
And since I don’t want to jinx you with 13 mood boosters, here’s mood booster 14, get yourself some Dr Bronner’s Peppermint soap. It’s the best morning mood booster while you’re waking up in the shower. OK OK OK I think that’s it!
What else
What about you, dear reader? Do you have any suggestions for mood boosters? Please do share in the comments below! Thank you for reading and take care!
January 28, 2021What an uplifting post, Julie! I especially liked walking, listening to music, swearing (as you know, I especially indulge in that mood booster!), doing something naughty (wink, wink), and yoga. Of course, art is the ultimate mood booster for me. Focusing on my work forces me to shut everything else off. I also like cooking and baking. Again, it forces me to focus on that one activity. I used to listen to podcasts while cooking and baking but then found that since I was so focused on that one activity, the podcast was actually a distraction creating stress so no more podcasts when I’m in the kitchen. Music, especially classical, provides lovely background sounds though.
Julie Holmes
January 28, 2021Hi Alexandra,
I have the same experience with podcast listening! I am definitely a one trick pony when it comes to doing anything.
Like you, if I am painting I’m all in. If I’m listening to a podcast, I’m all in. But I can’t do both at the same time.
And, I also find that the only music I can listen to while painting is classical. But I love all kinds of music.
I am so glad you found this post uplifting. That was my intent! Take care and I wish you were nearby so I could taste some of your delicious baking adventures. Hopefully that will be happening soon, eh? Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
Beth Dyer Clary
January 28, 2021WOW! Love this post. That Klee-inspired painting is a mood booster for me!!! Truth be told, all the paintings are, and sketches. There’s something about what you produce that sings to me.
Thanks for this very uplifting post!
Little surprised you didn’t mention chocolate but there’s #15 for what it’s worth!
Julie Holmes
January 28, 2021Hi Beth,
Yay – I am so glad the Klee-inspired painting was a mood booster for you!
You crack me up! I guess I did forget to mention chocolate and WINE for goodness sake. I am glad you mentioned mighty chocolate. Just wondering if you have a personal preference or brand of favorite chocolate?
Thanks as always for reading and commenting here!
Ruth Whitney
January 28, 2021Julie!
I just lost an entire afternoon trying out and signing up for some of your suggestions. Lost afternoon but time well spent! Thanks.
The painting of the bridge in the Edna Metz Wells park brought back images of a favorite park in Peoria: Forest Park Nature Center. When I looked at your painting, I was back at that park with the kids racing ahead to cross a little bridge that looked almost the same. Glad you lit up that memory.
Julie Holmes
January 28, 2021Hi Ruth,
Woohoo! I am so glad you had an ‘escape’ afternoon with some of these suggestions.
And, I had no idea that painting of Edna Metz Wells park would trigger a memory for you in Peoria. That’s so sweet!
Loved hearing from you and so glad you took the time to comment and share your memory!