Clouds at the Beach

Instead of Clouds at the Beach, I could have labelled this painting and post “Gone Fishing.” Why? Because the by the time you read this, we will have stolen away to the beach with two other couples for a camping, beach combing and walking adventure. Wahoo! But before I get too far ahead of myself, I’ll share the purpose of this blog.
Favorite Things
In early 2020, I pledged to paint a painting each week and blog about it. The name of this weekly series of paintings is Favorite Things. Why? Well, because I choose objects, typically food, that I love to eat. But, I paint it first and then, if it’s still edible, I’ll eat it! This means each week I write about a painting and the process. You are welcome to follow along as I share the ups and downs of this studio and painting life I lead. To do so, simply sign up here. You’ll receive a lively and colorful blog post each week and get a first look at my latest painting or drawing. Sometimes I’ll share a painting by a contemporary artist or an artist in history, too. Let’s move onward to this week’s painting, shall we?
Clouds are not food
I can hear all of you super smart whipper snapper readers out there thinking to yourselves, but clouds are not food, Julie. But, after today’s adventures near Edisto Beach SC, I may suggest that they are. You see, today we took a short motor boat ride to a tiny teeny island called Shell Island with Captain Ron.
He’s a native of South Carolina. So, we expected to learn a bit about the beautiful marshes and waterways north of Edisto Beach. These waterways are also known as Native American Highways. And, they are laden with beautiful birds, dolphins and views that are memorable and magnificent.
Captain Ron’s Sustenance

But in addition to these amazing sights and sounds, we learned about the world according to Captain Ron pictured above. We did not expect to be ‘schooled’ on the ‘food’ that nourishes the soul according to Captain Ron. If I recall correctly, he spoke of the need for each of us to love ourselves and only take what he/she needs. If we each learn to ‘sustain ourselves’ there will be enough for everyone. He dropped us off at Shell Island where we saw gulls, terns, and all kinds of shorebirds. There are also an abundance of shells, hence the name.
He dropped us off at the edge of a sand bar while his 10 year old son named, “Wind,” helped us on to solid ground. We wandered the island and walked in the surf for an hour or so and then returned to our campground with a whole new perspective on life and shells.
So even though I can’t nourish my or your hunger pangs with clouds, I can tell you that there is something ever so delightful and soothing about looking up. And, the good news is, you can do this where ever you are. The clouds I saw during this trip are a delightful range of colors. I used my gouache palette and included every single color in the palette you can imagine.
Well Fed
I hope you can see the clouds where ever you live. And, that they delight you as much as they do me. I also hope you have a way to find comfort and nourishment in the last week of October before an eventful election. Whatever the outcome, I hope you might consider Captain Ron’s advice too. It may surprise you how wise and comforting the idea of loving ourselves in the midst of this divisive world might be.
How about you? Have you heard some sage advice from an unexpected source recently? Or have you looked up in the sky and seen clouds that captivated you? Either way, please do share in the comments below, love your self and thank you for reading here today!
Kathy Michaud
October 29, 2020Ahh those are lovely clouds and especially beautiful at the beach where there’s a big view.
Nice use of pink.
Julie Holmes
October 30, 2020Hi Kathy, Thank you! I was a bit overwhelmed, at first, to see so many colors in the clouds. Fortunately, clouds change so quickly that I couldn’t be overwhelmed for long! Onward, right? Thanks again for reading here today.
Denise Todloski
October 29, 2020Thanks my vacationing-friend Julie! I feel totally satiated thanks to your lovely and soul-filling clouds.
Julie Holmes
October 30, 2020Hi Denise,
Shazam, that is a wonderful thing to say about this painting, my dear! Thank you so much! I hope you and yours are staying safe and well. Thank you for reading and commenting. It means so much to me!
October 30, 2020Again another beautiful painting Julie, definately nectar like food that lifts the heart. Thanks so much for sharing what you do, its always a pleasure reading it …. wish I was with you at ‘Shell Island’ with Captain Ron, who clearly knows a thing or two, tons of love sent your way xxx
Julie Holmes
November 1, 2020Hi Sue,
How wonderful to hear from you here! Thank you for reading and commenting. You would have loved “Shell Island” and hearing Captain Ron’s words of wisdom. In fact, going to Shell Island reminded me of the trek David and I made to Hilbre Island with your mom, you (pretty sure you were there?), Tina and Lewys. It’s one of those islands that’s accessible at low tide. But once high tide moves in, it’s best to plan to stay for awhile!
Now we have another wonderful island memory to cherish! Thanks again for reading and sending love back to you toooo xoxo
Beth Dyer Clary
November 5, 2020These are beautiful clouds, Julie. Did you see these while at Edisto Beach? They are the kinds of clouds that float by filled with colors and shifting shapes I bet. That’s what your painting makes me think. Few things make me think of “totally free time” like clouds and the memory of lying down, looking up at clouds and seeing what shapes appear as they float by!
Julie Holmes
November 5, 2020Hi Beth,
Thank you so much! I did see these clouds off in the distance while we were at Edisto Beach. I was sitting at the table at our campsite.
To be honest, the first attempt at painting the clouds was a bit of a bust. But I kept noticing the clouds moving in and changing and getting more and more colorful. So, I decided to take another chance and paint another version. The second version (this one) came so much more easily!
As you describe, it felt as if the clouds were lining up like fluffy little soldiers for me to paint them as they marched by. I hope to do more of these on our camping and hiking adventures in the future!
Thanks again for reading and commenting Beth!
Julie Holmes, Fine Artist, Oil Paintings, Drawings, Still Life, Dreamy Figure Paintings Sweet and Simple are the four 4x4 inch gouache paintings here
December 16, 2020[…] I guess you have noticed that I didn’t paint food this week. But that’s OK. That has happened before. What’s consistent is that I have definitely painted my favorite things. Like what? Like that […]